Fluff thread - 42

by Hortensia 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    Someone mentioned 42 as being the answer to the question of life, the universe and everything. I was trying to remember what god's last message was - in "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish" I think. Was it "we apologize for the inconvenience?"

    when I read Douglas Adams last book in the series, it made me mad that he destroyed the universe at the end of the book. It seemed too JW, in a way, and I know that what Armageddon really means to all of the JWs is their own fear of death - their personal Armageddon when they find out it all wasn't true after all. However, I realized he died suddenly and rather young, maybe the book was a foreshadowing of the end of HIS universe? What do you think?

    Also, cleaning out old files I found a 1982 blood card next to my 1991 very first voter's registration card.

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Years ago my brother and I picked up this hitch-hiker in Salt Lake Sitty. She immediately grabbed the CB radio and began gabbing with the BIG TRUCKERS. "They call me the Texis Staaaaaallion...I got balls but they ain't between mahh laeggs." On and on and on... Anyone that talked back to her got this long drawn out "Fourrrrrteeeeee Twwwoooooooo" in response.

    Finally some driver agreed that she needed to be aridin' with him instead of "in that little four wheeler". He was several miles ahead of us and it took awhile for us to get there 'cause there's some big ol' mountains leaving Utah. Anyways, we pull up behind this truck at just the right angle so the driver can't see her getting out of our truck. She's barely out the door and we pull away. As she got in his line of sight we hear over the radio "Ohhhhh Shiiiiiiiitttttt". We come back with "Fourrrrrrrteeeeee Twwwooooooo". We heard that static ridden CBin' Texis Staaaaallion for hours afterwards across Wyoming.

    I only just now looked up the actual trucker meaning of 42.
    forty two, -- I understand and agree with you. ("Forty-Two, driver, I heard that idea, I did!")

    And the point of all this? If 42 is in fact the meaning of all things then for me the meaning of all things is laughter. Forty-two yall.

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