virtual kingdom halls, the future of dubdom?

by Mysterious 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mysterious

    Just think no more buildings, land taxes, travelling speaker expenses, potential bad association, deviation from the main this the future or will they continue to be technophobes?

  • WTWizard

    Why would they do this? They need the physical presence to provide the hypnotic effect of having the Kingdumb S*** and prayer, the eyes going back and forth between the speaker and the sidekick, and the ushers passing the mics. And on a virtual system, all I would have to do is click the red x on the top right of my screen and it goes down. Or, I can click on my bookmarks and "Oops", end up on an apostate site. Distractions galore await. People can listen to real music and watch porn clips. And people would turn the thing off as soon as they are about to get their houndings.

    In a real Hell, people are trapped until the program is done. They can listen to iPods, but those would likely be taken away. There is no escape from the Kingdumb S***, and you cannot hit the mute button or the X to kill it. And they can box you in for your houndingcounsel after. Plus, if they feel fit, they could recapture you by dragging you to one of the hounders' homes if they feel that's the only way to keep you from bolting. With the new Craptower Kool-Aid edition coming, this is a real possibility that is too risky.

    And, even if they did go virtual, I still wouldn't go. If it popped up on my computer, I would report it as spyware and kick off the spyware that put it in my computer. Plus I would be wandering between this and other apostate sites, Neo-Tech and other alternative philosophical packages, and the porn that they warn against. All the while, I would have some real music going in Rhapsody or some other music program. Effectively, I would still be able to miss meetings.

  • Gopher

    Right now the WTS won't even distribute their literature online (except for a few snippets on their website), even though that would be a lot more efficient than printing it and trucking it all over the land.

    But then they'd lose their control of the literature. They couldn't ensure the wrong people wouldn't get it. So they have to come to the Kingdom Hall to get it.

    Same with the meetings. They want the control -- they want to monitor the flock and have them right there. And then they'd also say that logging on to a meeting doesn't fulfill the scriptural requirement of "gathering together".

    The JW's haven't had an electronic ministry for the masses since they abandoned their Brooklyn radio stations WBBR back in the mid-1950's. And they aren't about to change.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    I liked this paragraph in the About Section:

    You can even protect your children by creating a secure place for them to meetup and talk with brothers and sisters they know and trust

    Well, that is one thing they can not do in the "real" enviroment.......


  • blondie

    We wondered about assemblies/conventions having those large screens and the program tied into the internet. The only problem is they can't know for sure anyone is really remote viewing...honor honor among thieves. As to living double lives, the elders were right up there deceiving themselves as well.

    We figured they might at least take one drama at Bethel and then send copies to each convention, "simplifying" the process and freeing up the "actors" for more important spiritual work (but less prestige and "privileges").

    How would they take attendance? One or two every meeting is one thing. All jws do not have computer access as well. In my congregation those who listened in where mildly scorned. I used to listen to the tapes but refused to call in after they told me my illness was not severe enough or that I was too young to need the privilege.

    No, if they did it, they would have to build in some kind of continuing control factor or process.


  • Mysterious

    What about big screens piping in talks straight from bethel but into the kingdom hall themselves? No elders going off on tangents, no problems with watching from home, complete unity and spiritual 'food" right from the top.

  • JWdaughter

    I think that 'special talks', perhaps the sunday talks, and some assembly parts will be taped and uniformly presented soon. All online is unlikely-so many JWs (esp now) are without internet access. Plus, the control issues. The music is all taped now. They are way behind the technology front, and they are terrified of the internet.

  • Mysterious

    What about a controlled JW-LAN, wired to withstand armageddon of course. :)

  • greendawn

    I don't think the JWs plan to make their KH services totally online they will just use these in addition to their off line traditional services. Let's not forget that though the local dubs shoulder all the expenses of KH construction (land, materials, labour) it is the WTS that finally gets the title deed and many of these KHs are in expensive areas around the world.

    And of course without a real presence a controlling cult like the WTS will lose much of its power over the masses that follow it.

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