The back-room club...

by gymbob 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • gymbob

    I recently got a e-mail from a 1/2-in-the-truth witness youth who referred to the "back-room" club...anybody ever heard of this before? Is this a new witness youth expression?

    She's 15, and I think she was referring to being asked by the elders to come back in the back room at the hall after the meeting for counsel.

  • metaspy

    never heard of it being the "back room club" but there was a few in my old hall that could have joined.
    they were always talking with the elders.
    ours would have been called "the boiler room club" because that was the favorite spot of the elders to chat.

  • DJK

    She may have observed activities I had also observed before someone was df'd, or before couples were married. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall.

  • brunnhilde

    My pioneer partner and I always referred to it as "the glass palace" because you were always being judged if you were in there, whether it was doing those stupid "talks" or because you had done something trivial to set off someone's conscience!

  • garybuss

    I got invited once . . . just by one elder though. He wanted to chew my ass for not wearing a necktie to the meeting. That might have been my last meeting ever. The 1974 year text had not gone over very well with me and I was sick of looking at it at every meeting. I was in no mood for any crap from any pea brain eunuch elder.

    They were so proud of that year text that they had made up a huge sign and hung it up above the speaker's platform.

    The crap they were reading at that meeting didn't deserve even wearing a shirt, let alone a neck tie.

  • bronzefist

    We called it “The Interrogation Room’” It was good cop/bad cop.

    Always a bad sign if they didn’t open with a prayer. Or was it when they did?


  • lisavegas420

    She's 15!!!!

    My children are now 27 and 22, but if an adult came to them and said I/we want to talk to you alone, I would be following along to find out what the hell's going on. Of course there are exceptions, like at their jobs. But seriously, if I was at a church, social function, club, party, cookout, whatever...I'd be on top of knowing what was going on.

    How come we gave the elders so much control?


  • gymbob

    Good point Lisa....

    I remember when the elders wanted to talk to my daughter in the back room about a party she attended, I was right there with her. I should have just told them to mind their own business.

  • ButtLight

    Heck, half the time I would just get pulled aside right infront of everyone, and was told not to do this or that........(guess that was better then being dragged into the back room where everyone would know you did something wrong)

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