Have the Watchtower and Awake ever reused the same article titles...?

by Kudra 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kudra

    My curiosity was piqued by saywhat29's thread topic about coming up with WT article title and he said that they seem to recycle the same words into different combinations:

    "Serve our god as the great day approaches"

    "Approach Jehovah your god as servants"

    "Serving an approachable god"

    "great days await those who approach god with a view to service"

    etc etc etc.

    Does anyone have any examples of when they used the same title...? It seems INEVITABLE as they only have so many words in their "theocratese" dictionary from which to draw...



  • Kudra


    No one thinks this has been done?!?!?!

    I thought this would be a challenge...



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