Need audo of Franz Gilead Grad speach debunking Gov Body

by Wasanelder Once 2 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Hey everyone,

    Where can I find a copy of the talk that Freddy gave at Gilead Graduation attacking the idea of a Gov Body? Here is the link to the transcript, I want to use it in a video.

    I tried the e-mail address at the bottome of the page but its dead.



  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    I am pretty sure that, because that talk was so god-awful bad, that no audio transcription was made. If there was, it will either have been wiped clean or stored away in the bunkers so deep that not even the Purest of the Pure among the Acolytes, the ones who Tend the Flame and Keep the Secrets, have access to it.

    Your best bet may be to try and contact Ray Franz at his Commentary Press site. We owe him a great debt for giving us a written transcript of that lecture.


  • skeptic1914

    You can order a cassette tape of this talk from Commentary Press, the same place that publishes Ray Franz' COC and ISOCF.


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