King North/King South

by pettygrudger 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • pettygrudger

    I just read the post regarding Sundays' special meetings. I have a question & some statistics......
    It has been along times since I was a member of the JW's, so please, to refresh my memory - what was their understanding of this prophecy? Was America King of South (if I remember rightly) & Russia King of North? I know we were brought up believing these 2 super powers were gonna go at it appears they are getting "new light" to make it look like Islamic nations pulled together in light of recent events? Or, are the Witnesses trying to cover their own blatent lack of truth due to the following statistics, and trying to cover up why they are so disregarded in such vast portions of the world:

    Bangledesh: 1 JW in 1,308,732 people
    India: 1 JW in 45,457 people
    Libya: 1 JW in 416,070 people
    Pakistan: 1 JW in 245,487 people
    Mali: 1 JW in 56,931 people
    Egypt: None
    Suadi Arabia: None
    Sudan: None
    Syria: None
    Iran: None
    Iraq: None
    Libya: None
    Tajikistan: 1 JW in 22,209
    Turkey: 1 JW in 42,660

    These are all Islamic/Arabic countries, and if you look at the JW statistics, these are also the countries that have the greatest difference in ratio between JW's/population.
    My point here is that even though these are heavily governed countries, to God that wouldn't matter would it? He'll find his people everywhere according to JW's, and everyone will have heard of his true organization & given a chance to follow him - right? So, basically by their own statistics, the JW's have no problem clearly defining the majority of Arab communities/islamic cultures as non existent in the eyes of God. And more interestingly, how many of you had ever considered the Islam/Muslim religions before recent events? Could the theory be raised that Islam is the true religion, and that Western civilizations are finally being introduced to it in a large scale fashion?

    And where does this all fit in the prophecies regarding Kings of North/South & the disgusting thing?

  • Moxy

    a few points.

    the notes from the talk you read were mistakenly attributed to the supplementary meeting last sunday. they were NOT from that meeting but are a set of notes from a talk by a brooklynite in greensboro that probably actually took place but for which there has been no independant confirmation.

    islam is NOT bigger than christendom. not by a long shot.

    the king of the north and south is a totally open prophecy. the WT is free to apply to anyone they like that just happens to be in conflict. the last identity of the North was the USSR but that identity has now been left open for anyone who steps up to take the role. back in the cold war, the understanding was that russia would dominate since the end of the prophecy indicates this saying, for example, that the north would plunder the riches of the US and britian, the king of the south. the most recent book on daniel says that this has incredibly ALREADY TAKEN PLACE. how, you may naturally wonder? why, by forcing the US to spend so much money on arms during the cold war, of course! take THAT, USA! kind of like a vicious headbutt to the fist.

    anyways, the point is that theyve given up on specific fulfillments of these prophecies and they are free to fit just about AYTHING to them so theres no saying what speculations will be given license to spread. the WT is unlikely ever to state anything dogmatically about this prophecy ever again.

    the muslim countries in which there are virtually no witnesses have long been believed to fall under a kind of unspoken 'community bloodguilt.' the same kind of community bloodguilt under which we are all, every one of us, responsible for killing jesus, according to the last study article on the 'cities of refuge.' you see, the governments oppose the work and the people are under the government and therefore responsible as a community. its their own fault for being born there. not that they should oppose the government either tho, because that would be wrong too. well, anyways the less we worry about those poor people the better, eh? again, you will not see anything stated about this matter dogmatically ever again. the matter will always be refered to as something about which we will just have to wait and see. trust in jehovah to act fairly. asking questions on the matter is unproductive speculation.


  • logical

    Well, its not so much a case of North vs South, rather East vs West.

    Maybe this is a clue that there is a possibility current events are not the ones written down in Daniel? I have little insight into the book of Daniel however.

    The "disgusting thing" is part fulfilled by the Watchtower, it is all the religions, who seat themselves in a holy place, such as the WTS who have seated themselves in the seat of Moses. Religious leaders. Matthew 24:2-5

    Just like the Governing Body, and all those who proclaim to be annointed but are not, and would rather serve the beast which they ride upon, their religion, comprise Babylon the Great. Matthew 23:33-36

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