Why Bethel must save electric energy?

by martinjw7 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • martinjw7

    Hi, I’m from Czech republic (European Union).
    We listen an interesting announcement on our kingdom ministry assembly this week. It was in association with financial report.

    This is it in summary:

    Brothers in Brooklyn Bethel save an electric energy. Price of energy is on the increase continually. Brothers must use an economic electrical appliance. … Thanks for your donation on our account last month. Your brothers from Bethel.

    This is not joke. Have you heard of it?

  • badboy


  • greendawn

    This is a strange thing to hear from a multibillion dollar corporation, they save on electricity at their HQs. And why should the local KHs save, they are the ones that pay for their bills not the HQs. Or do they hope the money so saved will be sent to them?

  • WTWizard

    Here is another way they can save energy (actually, several):

    (1) More efficient Kingdumb Hells. Has anyone else noticed that the temperature is never stable? The air conditioning is always on the fritz, usually because no one cleans the exterior coils. This wastes huge amounts of energy. And the heating systems are lousy. The windowless halls totally rely on artificial lights, which are usually not the most efficient variety.

    (2) Putting out fewer remixed magazines and books. This wastes tons of paper, along with the energy needed to distribute it. Less remixed bulls***, less energy needed to print it.

    (3) Not being as unreasonable in service requirements. Having people spend all their time in the misery wastes tremendous amounts of gas. In fact, this is where most of the energy used in this religion goes. People drive short distances and stop and go. Or they have long drives to calls, sometimes 35 or 40 miles one way. This is a total waste of gas.

    (4) Not having so many meetings during the week. This would use less Kingdumb Hell energy, since the lights and air conditioner or heater would be on less. Plus it would save all the gas that the people have to use to get to and from the meetings. It would also let children sleep better on school nights, and they might actually pass a physics test instead of flunking them.

    (5) Coming down. The whole religion is a total waste of everything. We are in an energy crisis, and need to stop these stupid wastes of energy. This would save a lot of gas. It would also save a lot of trees from getting cut down for this ridiculous excuse for education. And no value would be lost. Maybe if people stop supporting this waste, they will have to cut back even more. And then the real energy savings can begin.

  • dawg

    That's becasue the bitches are going down over these sex scandal cases they've lost and will soon be losing.

  • blondie

    Officially, the WTS wants the rank and file to think (know) that they are not wasting their donations. I'm sure that the decrease in cash flow in the WTS is increasing and they have to save money wherever they can. Maybe they can make candles and use them.


  • lawrence

    The best way to save energy is shut down the religion, stop the presses, close the halls, and renumerate those who have served Moloch.

    Blondie - the candles comment was great! I fear too many of the mentally unstable would cause fires.

  • DannyHaszard

    Jehovah’s Witness group could bring $10M to PB
    Pine Bluff Commercial , AR - 21 minutes ago
    ... also indicated it may be difficult to find a parking space in downtown Pine Bluff when the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses meets at the ... The organization has also agreed to meet here in 2008 and 2009, he said, and tentatively agreed to hold their sessions here from 2010 through 2013. The number of sessions may swell to four annually, Purvis quoted congregation officials as saying.

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