Hillary Step Bleats On Again About Musical Innovators and Copyists

by hillary_step 6 Replies latest social entertainment

  • hillary_step

    Yes folks, my favorite subject apart from BWAHAHAHAHAH worship.

    Listen to Jeff Beck playing - then watch him being copied a million times by a million wanabees. This guitarist is still bending the boundaries of creativity after all these years around and about.

    Live at the Monterrey jazz festival.

    Splendid stuff.


  • Satanus

    Amazing slide work. Wow.


  • FlyingHighNow

    I saw the amazing Jeff when I was 16. He was on tour with pre-disco-crap Rod Stewert. That was 1975 I think. I've slept a lot since then. I grieve the loss of good music.

  • Warlock
    Hillary Step Bleats On Again About Musical Innovators and Copyists


    I didn't know we were allowed to bleat here. I thought this was the goat pen. Sorry, my bad.


  • done4good

    Was he on tour with Rod Stewart in '75? Rod sang lead in Beck's band in the late '60s, (before Faces), but I was unware of anything after that.


  • Terry

    The evolution of a true artist:

    1.Listener/audience member/interested party

    2.Motivated neophyte copier

    3.Proficient emulator of styles (not their own).

    4.Groundbreaking genre stylist with new licks

    5.Outside the box innovator with something fresh to say.

    6.Trailblazing specialist attracting attention

    7.Amazing new voice who captures the listener/audience member/interested party and makes them want to be a

    motivated neophyte copier......etc.

    Standing on the shoulders of giants is the first step.

    Unfortunately in the world of music as is true everyplace else; 75% of everything is crap.

    I like Lee Ritenour.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Was he on tour with Rod Stewart in '75? Rod sang lead in Beck's band in the late '60s, (before Faces), but I was unware of anything after that.


    Yes, they toured together. Jeff Beck was on the bill separately. They have toured together many times since Rod left Faces. You'll have to do a lot of scrolling. I saw them in Atlanta. http://home.earthlink.net/~zeptrader/index.html

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