Calling all JWD Old Timers. Wanted: Tales of JW "Dragon Slaying"

by Open mind 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Do you have a favorite thread from the "dragon slayers" of the old days? You know, when more JW apologists would venture into the dangerous waters of the internet and actually do head-to-head battle with "apostates"?

    If so, post your link here. Or, if you've only got it saved on your hard drive, post the text of the battle here.

    (Cracking open a "virtual" beer and awaiting responses)

    Open Mind

  • Gordy

    Not come across many "dragon-slayers" unless you count someone like "scholar" who used to post on here.

    I've gone on JW's blogs that the odd one will have. Was on one recently, but after a couple of posts, that were just simply pointing out some of the things he posted were wrong.Using WT material to show him and point out changes in doctrine.

    He changed his blog so that before anything could be posted he could vet the contents. Nothing of mine was ever posted again.

    Apart from that I get the odd email I've had from JW's. Who tend to start off OK but under the pressure of debate tend to fold.

    They usually think its like speaking to someone on a doorstep. They use the same phrases and approach. But they forget that unlike someone standing on a doorstep. I can put my hand on the knowledge I need to refute the points raised.

    Then they usually tell me that I'm going to die at Armageddon.

  • Nosferatu

    Check out posts that include the user "Sword of Jah" :)

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