NWT bible at Goodwill

by Jim_TX 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jim_TX

    My wife and I frequent the local Goodwill's here, and today when we went in, I took a look in the display case where they keep items - and groups of items - that customers can bid on. They then take the highest bid, and contact the person - who then goes in and pays for the items.

    Anyway - today, among the groups of items there were 2 dinner plates, embossed with Jesus or some other Catholic-related images. There was also a large off-white Catholic bible - and last but not least - a black, gold embossed New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.

    I don't know if I am the only one here who sees the irony of this or not... it's all behind a locked glass door, too - so no JW can go and remove the bible - so as to not be associated with the Catholics.

    I laughed when I saw it - and commented about it to my wife. She was puzzled - as I suppose she was only familiar with the green bibles the JWs use.

    Oh. If someone wants to just purchase these items - they can do so for a mere $100.00. What a bargain.


    Jim TX

  • ex-nj-jw


    That's funny, I too only remember the green one's!!


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