Near death experience

by Frequent_Fader_Miles 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Any one out there ever had a NDE (near death experience)? What was it like? Did you see the white light at the end of a tunnel, with your loved ones standing near the end?

    Not that I've ever had one myself; I'm only curious.

  • Numinous

    P.M.H. Atwater put out the complete idiot's guide to near-death experiences. It's a winner that I lapped up soon after I left. Between that one, and another idiot's guide on reincarnation I had some great food for thought. To me, experience trumps belief.

  • themonster123

    I have. I'm 21 now, but when I was 17, I got in a bad car accident. It was a terribly bright sunny WInter morning (somehow, the Winter sun is brighter than the SUmmer sun in the morning)-it was around 6 in the morning. And I had a really foggy windshield, too. So I didn't see the car pulling out in front of me when I was going 65 miles an hour!! I hit them, and broke my leg, totaled my car-they were okay (it was like a hay truck, so I hit the back of his big truck thing).

    anyway, the weird part was w hen I hit him. I didn't know i had got in an accident cuz like I said my window was fogged up before this happened and with the bright sun, I could barely see out of my window when I was driving to begin with (I was watiting for the defrost to work, btu you know how sometimes it takes a while for it to clear your window). So in between realizing I was in an accident, I just remember seeing white and fog and sun and ....I seriously thought I was either dead or in Heaven!! I know at the time I was a Witness and blah blah blah we don't "believe" in that stuff, but I thought maybe I was dead and this was the afterlife.

    And then I came to, realized I was alive, and got out of my car. but yeah, it was scary. I've always wondered if anyone has truly TRULY "Seen their life flash before their eyes" like at gunpoint or something. Anyone? Anyone?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    A dear friend of mine was a victim of an arson attack as a young girl. Her father died.

    In her words.....

    "While I was in hospital I went over to the other side. They were not ready for me yet and they sent me back.

    I know where I am going and I am happy about that."

    Since then Leslie has married and had a lovely family and grandchildren and is a beautiful person in spite of her scars.

    She is in her 60's now.

    I am very happy that they sent her back and I feel that I am one of the benificiaries of their decision.



  • Watkins

    My daughter was electrocuted by a curling iron / bathtub incident when she was 12. Funny - we were just talking about this the other day... It was an old iron bathtub and she still has a scar on her hip where the current left her body. My husband heard her let out a funny screech, broke open the locked bathroom door, pulled back the shower cutain - her body was arched with only her head and feet touching the tub... He was a quick thinker and unplugged the curling iron, then lifted her out and laid her on the floor. She said later that she'd seen life memories and loved-ones' faces flashing thru her mind like a dreamy movie. When she woke up she really thought she was in heaven - the bright light and all. (classic near-death exp. details) Turns out it was the ceiling light in the bathroom that she was looking into as she lay on the floor. The Dr. said he'd never heard of a survivor of that type of electrocution! She suffered from leg muscle pain for a couple of months, but turned out to be fine. Whew! I think the most painful thing about it for her was that her step-dad had seen her nekked - and at 12 that was very traumatic! He teased her about lint in her bellybutton for a long time... lol.


  • FreedomFrog

    I did, I was about maybe 12-15 and I didn't know how to swim. I was over a friends house having a sleep over. We were swimming and started playing "who can stay the longest under water"...I slipped from where we were making a bunch of waves and went under. My friends thought I was just staying under on purpose.

    I had the same experience that Watkins' daughter had. I seen the past, seen the future as if I was in a dream...but one part of it I remember is I was "floating" above the pool and seen my friends...I "told" them I was in trouble and that was when they pulled me up. I still don't quite understand the "floating" feeling.

    My friends were saying I was flopping like a fish and turning blue. The mother turned me over and I started coughing up the water. Of course they didn't take me to the hospital (which I would have done as a parent). They are all JW's and I think she was a bit scared getting into trouble. She made it sound as if it was no big deal. Took me years to get back in the water.

    Oh, and now I know how to swim just in case.

  • Mary

    Here's an interesting site on evidence of NDE's:

  • Hortensia

    well I had a near death experience but not from an accident or illness. I woke up one night having tachycardia - my pulse was so fast I couldn't count it. I got up and sat in the living room and said "well I guess I'm going to die." I didn't feel afraid at all, just peaceful and calm. After a while I thought I might as well call 911. Sat down again. Then thought I ought to let my husband know the paramedics were coming. All the while just sort of peaceful and calm and ready to die. When they came my pulse had slowed down a bit, was over 240, but at least could be counted. I can't explain how weird the experience was - I'm sure it sounds like nothing when you read it. Doctor said, well yes, you definitely could have died if you hadn't called 911 - heart would give out after a bit from working so hard. I don't think this is what you are looking for - but it is my experience.

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