Good news (sort of) about my cousin

by Junction-Guy 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Well I was told last November that my cousin was no longer a JW and was bitter towards it. I never made any serious attempt to contact him until the other day, my curiosity was getting the best of me.

    So I emailed him, and asked him what was the real story on this.

    He says that he quit going nearly 10 years ago, and the reasons he quit was mainly personal disagreements with the local congregation members, and also he didnt believe their teachings about science and how the world was created, he is a science teacher.

    He says that he will never go back, and that he doesnt hate the witnesses, even though he is being shunned by his former friends (some of them). His Mom isnt shunning him though, so that is good.

    He also says that he is now agnostic, and doesnt believe in any religion.

    This is very big news to me, as he was the very last person I studied with as I was trying to beat Armageddon to get baptized.

    He and I got into some very heated arguments, and it was mutually agreed that we break off our study, mainly due to me not being able to accept the infallibility of the Watchtower.

    Soon after my study ended, I made the decision to never return back to the kingdom hall, armageddon or not.

    This is big news here in my world, and I thought I would share it here.

    I should have known something was up, as he didnt shun my disfellowshipped Mom at the funeral home, even though his Aunt did.

  • prophecor
  • Quandry

    Maybe you can tell him about this forum, Junction Guy!

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