growing JW numbers = Jah's approval? i don't think so.

by ?me? 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • ?me?

    i was just thinking about how in the Rev. book study some of the Brothers and Sisters were "astounded" and "impressed" with the growth of the WTS and how the witnesses went from nothing in 1900 to 6 million now. So i decided to take a look around the net at the numbers of OTHER religious groups, and you know what? they are even more impressive!

    what is going on? is Jehovah "blessing " those groups even more? or is Satan "tricking" more people into false religion? i have always contended that EVERYTHING has multiplied since the early 1900's , the general population, cars, homes, money, EVERYTHING. so why wouldn't a religion that prides itself on "encouraging" its members to find other members?

    islam, mormons, catholics, baptist and others all have grown at an even greater amount than JW's. and continue to every year.

    plus we all know that the JW growth (like other religions) is atleast 90 percent based on being born into a JW family. every once in a while you will get a family of 4 or so that takes a few years to become witnesses, but 80 percent of our dunkings in the last 10 years have been kids of witness families.


  • nvrgnbk

    It's actually quite logical, and quite simple.

    Growth amongst Jehovah's Witnesses= approval of the Creator of the Universe

    Growth amongst other religions= being part of Satan's world

  • Arthur

    I think all you have to do is look at the numbers of other Christian denominational conversions, and compare it to the Watchtower organization's conversions to see how paltry the WT numbers really are. As of now, it takes up to a couple of thousand man-hours to produce one convert. In the United States, where the JW religion had it's birth over a century ago, one would certainly expect more than a million members. When you factor in the fact that most baptisms in the U.S. are JWs children, this further illustrates the sorry results of their "preaching".

    In the first-century, people were accepting Jesus Christ in astounding numbers. What is so impressive about this is that the preaching activity was a spontaneous manifestation based upon love instead of any centralized organization pushing people into the field. Also, these Christians were not motivated by the "salvation by works" motto of the Watchtower. There was also no regimented and organized work that was micro-managed by a centralized corporate structure.

    There are other denominations that are younger than the Watchtower that have produced amazing results, and have more members than the JWs. If one wishes to attribute divine favor based upon the number of members, then the Catholic church must be hopping with holy spirit.

  • heathen

    Their growth also depends on ignorant people in third world countries , they sure don't mention how many fall away when it does happen or even mention tragedies such as when some murder their family and themselves .

  • WTWizard

    The numbers are slowing down. Since the 1970s, the whole population has gone up from 4 billion to 6.5 billion. And if the Witnesses are struggling to get to 7 million, I don't think that is a sign of divine blessing. And I wonder what will happen if they never reach 7 million--like if all the new studies go to and we can get enough apostates to invade Nigeria?

  • ithinkisee

    Even JWs aren't sure about whether growing numbers mean Jehovah's Approval:

    Are the increases in numbers of Jehovah’s Witnesses evidence that they have God’s divine favor and blessing?

    NO! -
    Examining the Scriptures Daily, May 19th, 2002

    Of course, the number of those associated with Jehovah's Witnesses is not a criterion for determining if they enjoy divine favor.

    Watchtower July 1, 2002, p.13, paragraph 17-19
    Now is the time for Jehovah to express mercy to his anointed servants and their other sheep companions. The evidence that this is so is the extraordinary increase with which he has blessed them…
    18. Each year, hundreds of thousands of additional "foreigners" associate with Jehovah's organisation, and the way will remain open for many more to follow them. Jehovah says to Zion: "Your gates will actually be kept open constantly; they will not be closed even by day or by night, in order to bring to you the resources of the nations, and their kings will be taking the lead" (Isaiah 60:11) Some opposers try to close those 'gates,' but we know that they cannot succeed. Jehovah himself has said that one way or another, the gates will stay open. The increase will continue.
    19. There are still other ways that Jehovah has blessed his people, making them beautiful in these last days.

    JW Flip Flops here.

  • BizzyBee

    How about STARBUCKS? They are almost a religion (just like JWs) and they have experienced even more astounding growth. Jah's approval?

  • ithinkisee

    Heh-heh ... Starbucks doesn't call you Satanic when you decide to quit.


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