Can you be HALF a witness?

by RollerDave 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RollerDave

    I have an ex (my 1st), who is still a true believer in spite of her penchant for smoking, drinking, sleeping around and whooping it up with the lowest of lowlifes she can find.

    (yes, Moxie, I know you are reading this. You're a beeyatch and claim to be proud of it, so stop smirking and sign up if you want to refute the above!)

    She is one of those people who accept it as "the truth" mostly from the outside even though such acceptance means they better put butter and jelly in their pockets 'cuz they're gonna be toast in the Big A.

    She has a plan tho, she intends to 'get in' by pretending to comply long enough to get baptized, but still do pretty much as she pleases!

    She seems to feel that she can be 'in' without having to believe in "1914 and all that authority stuff"

    She even thinks she could get a Mn permit to carry a pistol like I have and not run afoul of the elders!

    I told her this was an illogical course of action, and that if one didn't believe in 'all that authority stuff' why go through the witchtower of all groups?

    She seems to think its the only valid baptism she can get!

    I pointed out that the most likely outcome is as follows; She puts up a big false front and gets her ill-gotten baptism, thus putting her under the jurisdiction of the congregational ruling elite. Then she goes on to do what she wants, and because she is not as clever as she thinks she is by a longshot, she gets caught and hauled up before a comittee who then lynches her all proper and legalistic-like.

    She did not seem to comprehend and then began trying to get our daughter to study too!

    So, she would put her daughter under the rulership of those men so that she must eventually face a choice of whether or not to shun her own mother who brought her in?

    It's a good thing my daughter has more sense than that!

    Has anyone else tried the 'half a witness" route?

    How'd it go?


  • zagor
    Can you be HALF a witness?

    Only if I could be HALF a man! When I was in I was truly a witness and now that I'm out I'm truly a human being. No middle road.

    Though I know many people live "double" life because of family and other concerns so it wouldn't be fair for me to put it all in the same basket. Perhaps someone with such concerns can elaborate their position, it must be really hard and I know many are torn apart by the situation and inability to move forward.

  • yaddayadda

    She may get away with it for a while, but not for long. JW's are great at two things: gossiping and judging. They have an uncanny knack for sniffing out double-lifers in the congregation and treating them coldly. They live for dirty laundry.

  • Sasha

    I feel I kinda was . God said if you are neither hot or cold I will vomit you out of my mouth., That stuck with me. I am not associated with them anymore 2 years now.

  • Stealth453

    Half a witness would be a wittless.

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