15 year old serving three life sentences for crime he didn't commit.

by Santisimo 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Santisimo


    www.petitionspot.com/petitions/4Efren .

    A boy has been incarcerated since the age of 15 for a crime he did not commit. He is now over 33 years of age. The murderers have already confessed yet Efren remains in jail serving three life sentences. Please read about him on the first link and sign the digital petition on the second link.

    It is critical that we help him. What happened to him can happen to any other child in this country that can't afford proper legal representation.

    Please sign the petition as soon as you can. We have collected half of the signatures necessary to open this case for a retrial.




  • zeroday

    Whatever... When the great god jehuber sends his loving son to destroy 6 BILLION people to usher in paradise all injustices will be done away with...

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    I'll believe it when I see the DNA test results.

    BA- Skeptic.

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