reconciling families

by pettygrudger 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • pettygrudger

    Another question....I have 5 siblings, we were all brought up as "JW's". We were all also sexually molested from at least 3 years of age or younger. As the last 2-3 decades have past, all but 1 sibling has left the JW's. But, even though we have "left", we still seem to be torn apart from our very upbringing. Being around each other leaves "uncomfortable" reminders of who we all once were, and what happened to us as children (most of us until our teens). Has anyone else here experienced this type of tragedy & how did they overcome it?

  • blondie

    First PG, get professional help/counseling for yourself. If funds, are limited, check with some groups that help adults without charge or on a sliding scale. Encourage family members to do so individually or as a group. But if you are the only one who seeks help, progress can be made. Do it to help yourself...not to help your family. I too am a survivor of sexual abuse as a child....and the only one who has sought help. My siblings either refused to acknowledge it or think it has not affected them....all are severely depressed. But I have found the courage to face the past and leave it behind. No apologies or acknowledgement from my parents either.

    It takes time and there will be pain but it is worth it. Don't let your past infect the present anymore.;

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