Any scriptwriters?

by Abandoned 2 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Abandoned

    June will be the first annual Script Frenzy. Promoted by the same organization that created National Novel Writing Month, the goal is to create a brand new script of 20,000 words or more in thirty days. You don't have to know anything about screenwriting or formatting -- you will learn all you need to know while taking part.

    I can't wait.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer


    Dear Abandoned:

    Although, I write and design for the web,
    scriptwriting will be the next project
    that I will undertake.

    Currently, I own the book "How To Write A
    Movie In 21 days" authored by Viki King.

    Do you know of any other books or soft-
    ware that comes highly recommended?

    In addition, do you have an agent that
    your dealing with at this time?


    The Wanderer


  • Abandoned

    Hey buddy,

    Good luck on your writing goals. I haven't read the book you mentioned, but there are just too many how-to guides for me to sample them all. Here's a couple of things to keep in mind regarding screenplays:

    • Format is important. Movie format is different from sit-com format which is different from stageplay format. Make sure you brush up on the subtle differences for the type of screenplay you want to write.
    • Unless you are planning on directing your own play, leave out camera angles, zooming suggestions, and other directorial type comments. These will not endear you to any studio.
    • Write tight, direct prose for your scene descriptions. Think short and to the point.

    One book that I think all fiction writers should read at one time or another is The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers. It was written by the writer of the movie Lion King, and basically takes Joseph Cambell's classic 1000 faces of a hero and relates that to screenwriting.

    I don't currently have an agent for screenwriting. At this point, I'm not sure if I want to pursue commercial avenues with my screenwriting. I'm simply trying it out and seeing if it's a medium I care to work in.

    If you want to get a quick lesson in formatting screenplays, check out Intro to Screenwriting and How To Format A Screenplay. They both have enough information to get you up and going fast.

    Most of all, grab your dreams by the horn and hold on for the ride of your life.

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