JWs - Weaklings who despise power?

by jakes 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jakes

    JWs are not much inclined towards spirituality.Their beliefs should be classed under the heading dogma.However,from the outside looking in,their distinguishing feature is not their dogma but their intense hatred of the world.For more than a century they have done nothing but groan upon it and have done very little for the plight of mankind in general.Their leadership continues to exhort their followers to 'Put on the complete suit of armour'.Soon Christ with his heavenly legions will destroy the governments,clergy,higher learning institutions and the churches.

    Hate seems to be foremost in their passion to see this world end.

    Do you think that JWs are weaklings who despise the powerful because they lust after power themselves? ( Matthew's 'faithfull and discreet slave' seems to be very much exalted in the JWs )


  • journey-on
    their distinguishing feature is not their dogma but their intense hatred of the world

    When I was a JW, we were always told that we were known for our love and I bought into it. But, being out of the borg for years now, and having had many conversations with "worldly" people about JWs, I've come to know that they are more known for their hatred and intolerance.

    I don't think the r&f are necessarily weaklings who despise power, but rather brainwashed drones who have been sold a bill of goods. They've been told over and over to hate the things of the world, and therefore, this is how they behave. They've been taught that the things of the world are everything outside the WTB&TS.

    However, the organization on high loves power and manipulates the r&f to develop the "hate the world" mindset so they can insert the "love the FDS" program.

  • LongHairGal


    You raised some good points.

    Yes, I do see them as lusting after power. When I was active, I could not help but feel they were jealous of the catholic church, in spite of their criticism of it. They seemed to be "morphing" into a paid clergy class more and more as time went on.

    Unfortunately, all religions degenerate as time goes on and what you end up with are those at the "top" lusting for power over all the rest. Very often they got to the "top" because of being very aggressive and knowing the right people, etc. It might not have much to do with spirituality at all. This is why religious organizations are suspect to me.


  • SirNose586

    Hatred of fellow Christians, or should I say real Christians...jealousy of people who've made successes of themselves; those who've educated themselves into admirable people (which is why the WT has to redefine "success" and "education" to fit the world they've created for the Witnesses).

    So they must pat themselves on the back for living unfulfilling lives by thinking that they will escape armageddon, which is "right around the corner."

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