Mormon "apostates" more reasonable?

by Paralipomenon 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Paralipomenon

    Looking at the feedback from both current and ex-mormons, while there isn't an open dialog, there seems to be a fairly sane overtone to all the comments. Contrast that to the Knocking forum that they had to shut down due to the endless arguments from both sides.

    Do witnesses do a bigger mind job on it's members than the LDS?

  • 5go

    LDS is more liberal in it's treatment of the flock DF isn't the big cutoff like it is for dubs. (from what I understand ) that and I don't think they kill as many through their blood doctrine and will not tollerate child molestor's period. They will turn them in.

  • JWdaughter

    The LDS church is kinder to its members/ex members in my opinion. Others may disagree, but my experience witht he LDS church is that people would have a testimony-and it would be a little or a lot of the church dogma/doctrine. There was a realization that faith isn't always based on facts-which is more irreligious than a lot of religions allow. I think there is a lot of fantastical teachings, some bloody history and some great social programs. I am both ex unbaptised JW and exLDS. I would still go into a LDS church and enjoy the fellowship (cause they actually HAVE fellowship) and their stories of faith and experiences. I take it with a salt shaker, but I respect their ways in a manner I will never respect the WT. I think (and I have to be honest about it) that I never got as deeply into the LDS church teachings as I did the WT teachings-as I was pretty much aware that I would not believe much of it-and it was important to me to believe. So since I wasn't as close to the fire, it is easier to say it wasn't as hot. Those who are more IN to the LDS faith and have more family and life invested in it may not feel as did about it. The closer you get to a fire, the more you are aware of the heat. I left that faith with friends still in it.

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