question on the UN thing

by DB 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DB

    I have not been reading posts lately. Can anyone give me a brief summary of the "scandal" involving the UN and the WTBS? Thanks!

  • sf

    Hey you,

    This is my opinion, so you may consider it or not. Yet to fully grasp the magnitude of this issue, one really must read the entire "U.N./ WTBTS" thread. It is vital, again imo, because it contains so much information and others research.

    At least try. Skim it over to gain key points about key articles from WTBTS re: U.N. I understand it is becoming lengthy, yet more and more is being discovered and uncovered. So it can be a challenge. Happy trails honey!

    Sincerely, sKally...www klass

  • hawkaw

    Well, I have done a little work on this minor subject and I really urge you to read the first page of the the 20 page thread dealing with the United Nations, WTS and NGOs. In fact it is very important to learn for yourself - busy or not.

    In a nut shell, the Watchtower is classified as a non-governmental organization (NGO). In 1991 under W.L. Barry of the GBs direction, the Watchtower as an NGO VOLUNTARILY APPLIED to be an ASSOCIATE with the United Nations' Department of Public Information (DPI). The Watchtower had to fill out an application form and provide at least 4 references.

    In doing so the Watchtower VOLUNTARILY agreed to support the United Nation's charter (thus the UN) and respect the charter. They also agree to distribute the UN's OWN information in WTS publications to support the UN's position and programs.

    A DPI committee reviewed the WTS application and supporting documents and "acredited" the WT as an "associate" NGO of the DPI. Some DPI articles also use the words "partner" and "partnership" in describing "associated" NGOs like the WTS.

    Now go read the Nov. 15/01 WT rag and the many other rags and we find the WTS describing the United Nations as the scarlet coloured wild beast and the disgusting thing. JWs are to stay away from political organizations and in a Oct 1/95 WT rag there is an article explaining that the UN is just like a government and must be treated as such.

    Just think if a JW got in front of his/her congregation and said "I support the UN charter and want to "associate" with the UN". Can you say disassociated. Think about those guys rotting in jail instead of doing government military duty while you watch the WTS in bed with the UN.

    During this time, the WTS has also slammed other religious groups for dealing with the UN and considers them part of the great harlot that rides the beast.

    Well the WTS is doing the same thing.

    DPI has been contacted and thanks to a number of people is invesyigating the WTS. And you can contact Ms. Oca too at the DPI to confirm. Also yesterday there was a newspaper article confirming a lot of this.


  • Ranchette


    The WT UN thread is NOT mixed with nonsence like some of our threads.
    I URGE you to take the time to digest this from start to finish.
    This is big! So much so that some have disassociated themselves over it already.A long time ex elder friend of ours DA'd his self last tuesday over this.
    At the very least this should be shocking and disturbing to any long time JW!


  • DB

    Thanks for the replies! This does sound big, and I'll have to check out the original thread. Thanks!

  • Englishman

    OK, I confess. I didn't even take a peek at the UN thread 'cos I thought that it would be boring. Then it grew and the size of it seemed more daunting than ever.

    A few days back I persevered and read the first page, this took time as I needed to get my head around what Mac Hislopp was saying, when I did eventually, wow!

    Cheers Mac, you must be a patient guy!


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost


    i just logged on to ask the same because of a conversation i had last night with my sister, who is one foot in and the other still deciding -- she is trying to keep the peace with our folks --, she is living in miami so i called to see how she was doing and what the head is out there due to the recent events, i mentioned these new revelations about the UN & WTS and her comment was "who wrote this information?"
    so thanks for starting this thread i will move on to the other and gather the info
    thanks to all who are doing their homework

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