Could someone help me research a few things?

by Leander 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leander

    I've heard that the society has changed information in their volumes/CD's from what was originally printed. Can someone give me a few examples of this?

    I'm also looking for scriptural information about the disciples and their misunderstanding of Jesus teachings. Whenever I talk to anyone about the Societies failed predictions or changes in doctrine the first thing they say is that the disciples made mistakes too. So basically what I'm trying to find out is what exactly took place in regards to those mistakes the disciples made.

    Thanks for any help you can provide me with

  • dungbeetle

    Can't help you with research at this moment BUT...

    As far as jesus' disciples making mistakes, they had no 2000 year old Bible to study. learn and get guidance from.

    And the Governing body's excuse today IS....? much dung, so little time...

  • roybatty


    One thing to look at. How many issues did the disciples misunderstand AFTER the promised holy spirit came? None. The only issue that comes close is some thinking that the apostle John might live forever based upon what Jesus said. However, there isn't one instance where the "governing body" misunderstood Bible teachings. Can't say the same thing about the Society.

  • Leander


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