If you recover a thief's booty .are you a thief or a savoir to his victims?

by The Dragon 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Been tossing this one around too......

    I think it also shows a good example on how things are subjective.

    Will the thief appreciate having his possesions he has worked hard to earn, returned to those who fell victim to him and his schemes? Or would he accuse the representative of his victims of being a thief? This thief did not out right steal anything...but tricked people into giving him what he wanted...did he "earn" what he amassed...or "steal" them?

    Another reason I bring this up...Is I am afraid our Constitution and Bill of rights in the U.S....is related to this problem.

    I have come to the conclusion that it was written by very smart and intelluctual predators...to both benefit and allow them to prey/steal/earn legally upon those less intelluctually and intelligent who depend upon them for guidance and leadership..even having an army to protect them while they do so.(police) That is why White collar crimes are less punished than blue collar ones...even though typically..the white collar crimes do much more damage..and set a bad example for the blues to follow and look up to.

    Everyone I have presented this to..to date has agreed with my findings...or had a pitiful defense or insults to me personally in response to this. I would just like to ask that personal attacks upon me be set aside yet attacks on the issue will be gratefully recieved if they have any merit or wieght.

    These intelligent predators have written and bound everyone including themselves to these rules and rights...Would they change them if a smarter predator figured out a way to beat and expose them while they are forced to protect him while he does it? (that is kinda deep and vague I know.)

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    What effect would it have if all forms of preying were outlawed and punished including the advertising companies who send people to places who will rip them them off, endorsing and selling them as prey to be eaten. Yet suffering no consequences for doing so....rather instead being paid handsomely, and hired by other companies needing fresh meat as well. Or "success".

    What if a company had to rely soley upon W.O.M. advertising to become successful rahter than pay someone trusted or famous to endorse them to continue to keep fresh faces they have not screwed over to continue pouring in?

    Would it be a negative or positive change?

  • funkyderek

    The Dragon:

    I don't really know what you're talking about. Do you have a specific instance in mind?

    Generally, property taken by a thief does not actually belong to him so he would have no recourse if it were stolen or recovered. However, that does not mean that someone who commits a crime to recover stolen property will go unpunished. In civilised societies, the government has a monopoly on the use of force. There is no place for Robin Hoods

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    What if the thief is the King and his army....only he has written the rules to make his style of thievery accecptable and legal...even admired by his victims and followers?

    However...when the victims and followers begin to try to do the same to him and other followers using their method...they are severely punished and branded criminals.

    How slick is that?

  • Leolaia

    I can think of one area where Dragon's point has political merit: land rights. The colonial history of America, the Pacific, Australia, etc. etc. is filled with examples in which land was taken from indigenous peoples through force or trickery. Today land rights in these lands tend to be based in laws that were established after the fact. If an Indian nation decides to take it upon themselves to reclaim its ancestral land from its current land owners by the same means (by trickery or by force), it would swiftly be regarded as a "crime" under those same laws.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Exactly right....my Native American forefathers were screwed out of their land like this...when they fought back the only way they knew how....they were regarded as savages and destroyed for protecting their land, future and heritage.....now had they had an attorney or held the most power..they would have been patriots and heros! And the settlers "thieves".

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