Remember the WT angle in.... "Do you have a purpose in life?"

by Gregor 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gregor

    Reveals the type of person they are fishing for. People looking for someone to take over, people who have f'd up their life so bad they are desperate for someone to tell them how to tie their shoes. In short, the WTS is looking for people who are vulnerable to an authority figure cult.

    Healthy people asked this question would laugh in your face and tell you to get lost. How presumptuous!

  • Liza
  • Liza

    A long time ago I decied I had a certain purpose in life, then the WT started to come back into my life, then I started to feel guilty that I believed that my "true" purpose in life was to live meagerly and distribute magazines.

    Thank God I have the internet.

  • ajwnm

    I remember reading their lit that posed thid question but they never really answered the question. Went on and on about everything under the sun but gave no clear answer to the question. By the time you got finished reading the material that went off in a thousand different directions you forgot what the question was.

  • poppers

    The book "The Purpose Driven Life" does the same thing. It engenders a mindset that convinces people there MUST be a purpose. Look at the money this book generates for its author. I guess he's fulfilled his purpose.

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