UN & Watchtower - the Next Step

by Stephanus 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    I'm impressed by the number of people who have taken action over the UN/WBTS revelation and have sought the advice and attention of the UN on this issue. Assuming that this is properly investigated and the WBTS are given their marching orders by the UN, there's still work to be done. It has been speculated that WBTS sought NGO status in order to show hostile govts (eg. France) that they are good global citizens. Therefore, before the ink is even dry on the letter from the UN that the WBTS has had its NGO status withdrawn, we need to notify govts the Tower is trying to suck up to of that fact. Happy hunting!

  • Farkel

    Hey Steph,

    : It has been speculated that WBTS sought NGO status in order to show hostile govts (eg. France) that they are good global citizens.

    But they ARE good global citizens: they want the globe cleansed of all who disagree with them. That means nearly 6,000,000,000 men, women, children, toddlers, and suckling infants. Not to mention "apostates" who just-so-happen to present the truth about their leaders and what they've done and said.

    In otherwords, they are no different from the Taliban: KILL everyone who happens to not agree with them.

    Their version of "global citizens" means to murder those who differ. Hitler was also a global citizen, but he was a lightweight compared to the carnage the WTS and its followers wish and pray for as we speak on this forum. Every minute that we speak on this forum.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

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