Memorial infomercial

by 5thGeneration 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5thGeneration

    I notice that the Memorial has become an infomercial in the past few years.

    They say they want to do exactly what happened on that night but I don't recall Jesus talking for 15 minutes about meeting attendance and field service after passing the bread and the wine.

    Oh well.

    P.S. The 'special' announcement from the GB is priceless. "We would like to announce that we offer free home Bible studies". WOW! REALLY? This IS big news! LOL

  • WingCommander

    You are exactly right! The Memorial and also JW Funerals are nothing more that Watchtower infomercials and one big guilt trip!!

    Now that I have been away for a few years, I can't believe I never saw it sooner! It is just disgusting, sad, and pathetic in my opinion.

    In short, Jesus died for the 144,000 and our sins, but you grunts have to work for the "free gift," and oh yeah, you can never do enough - so do more! Come to our meetings and become one of us!

    They really are on a few short years away from passing the Kool-Aide.

    - Wing Commander

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