I am wowed

by roflcopter 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • roflcopter

    My ex fiance who is a hard-core dub. Who would never ever let me touch her in the "naughty spot" because she was so hardcore. She used and abused me and when she was done after 2 years and after listening to the slander the elders told her about me (about how I would just hump and dump her, im not spiritual, etc.)she left me.. Lol fast forward a couple more years... I know find out she just got knocked up out of wedlock with a brother she dated but can't stand!!! :D

    I must say I was actually quite happy when I found out about this, mainly because it showed to me that holier than though attitude and all the accusations against me being this morally debased person who would bring her down was a load of crap.... I, unlike her, actually waited tell marriage to have sex.... (not that I care about premarital sex). But it more or less proved that it was all a load of crap.

    Congratulations girl... now you'll experience real hardship! Muha.. oh... and I feel bad for the poor kid :( That girl is in no way ready to be a mommy. Now she'll be living at home taking care of a baby relying on her parents to support them. lol She probably wont get DF'd either... she's too popular. But I can only wish she does so then she can understand what it feels like. Since I was DFd and that broke the relationship basically.

    oh well, I guess everyone has needs right... but dang young witnesses are so horny to the point they don't even think about birth control.

  • Euphemism

    Well of course she was unhappy with you 'humping and dumping' her, if she wouldn't even let you get her off in return!

    The whole world of young Witness sexuality is such a twisted universe, it's not even funny. And most Witness guys do not want to date a woman who already has a kid. I hope your ex sees the light and manages to get into a more stable and happy place.

  • bikerchic
    but I do have to thank her. She was the last straw that made me leave the whoreganization! Yup, that relationship really opened my eyes to the truth about the truth!


    I'm glad you have gratitude for finally seeing the light and getting out while you are still young enough to actually do something with your life. Now as you've probably heard the best revenge (or answer) is to live a good life.

    Happy trails!

  • sexyk

    I can relate to that experience you have.

    While i was in the "whoreganization" LOL, ok ill try to be serious here. I had a girlfriend who I went out with for 1 year. How it lasted that long? I still don't have the answer to that question.

    But anyways, her father (who was an elder) knew the elders in my congregation and they were all great friends. And the elders in my congregation would always tell her parents that I wasn't good enough spiritually.

    So therefore, her parents listened to my elders of course. And they limited the amount of time me and my ex gf would see each other. We only saw each other about 3 times a month. And we lived in the same town.

    After all that, it really opened my eyes about how everything is so conditonal being in that cult. You have to be performing in the congregation for people to show you love and for you to be well liked.

    We broke up in the summer because I got sick of it all. And now, she's getting married to a ministerial servant. And he's working for her dad. Her parents must be happy now, bastards.

    If theirs one thing I did learn being out of the cult, is that love isn't conditional. It's unconditional.


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    It is easy to gloat of another's misfortune, especially when we have been hurt by them. I feel very saddened by the overall situation. If your girlfriend doesn't even care for the "brother" who knocked her up and ends up marrying him anyway . . . what a sad life for the child and a difficult way for the whole family to go in a cult. Life will be very challenging and probably unloving for them all in their local hall. What a terrible situation.

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