The 1917 WTB&TS Board Of Directors Incident And The Right Of Reply

by gumb 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • gumb

    The 1917 WTB&TS Board Of Directors Incident And The Right Of Reply

    I've been doing quite a bit of research on the internet this past week, and along the way I found a site called Having read a number of the articles on the pages, I thought one in particular might be of interest to some members here:

    Like so many JWs I had in the past got my official stories about C T Russell and 'Judge' Rutherford from the WTS, namely, various Year books, Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, and Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers of God's Kingdom. Those sources told me that the Organisation had been in spiritual jeapardy soon after Russell died. Some of the brothers had tried to wrest control of the WTB&TS out of the hands of the new president. Rutherford had moved swiftly in the interests of God's work to put down the rebellion. Thus the great Adversary was twarted in his attempts to stop the harvest work. So goes the official story.

    Of course, being a 'faithful' Witness I never questioned this version of events. Many years later when I was having doubts about the WTS I discovered a little bit of information that gave a very different account. However, up until this past week I had not had the occasion to read what the supposed rebels said in their defence. In reading their version of events, as well as Rutherford's comments on the matter, I came to the conclusion that Rutherford was a deceitful, opportunistic schemer (using the law to get leverage), who in the manner in which he dismissed these 'rebels' revealed himself to be out of step with the spirit of Russell's will. He also took advantage of the goodwill of many Bible Students who were distracted away from seeing who the real rebel was. I remember hearing many years ago how Rutherford would "speak to Jehovah like a child" in the presence of the Bethel family. This, I believe, was simply mock humility which masked a controlling personality that could not bear to allow a truly independent board of directors to get in the way of his authority; hence his appointment of four new 'yes' men to the board.

  • AlphaOmega

    I'm not sure if this is connected, but I've just stumbled on this.

    It has scans of related correspondance

  • AlphaOmega

    It's odd but I get the feeling that Rutherford was exactly as you describe. He seemed to take over the organisation for his own ends. His lawyer's training allegedly helped him in both the legal aspects of taking over and is obvious when you read his articles.

    I remember hearing many years ago how Rutherford would "speak to Jehovah like a child" in the presence of the Bethel family.

    I know that it's not what you meant, but I can imagine Rutherford being arrogant enough to talk to "Jehovah" as if he were a child, pointing his finger at him and telling him off, "You've been a naughty God Jehovah. You got the date for the apocalypse wrong and made us look very silly, go to bed without supper !"

    Anyway, you only have to look at Beth Sarim, the Judge's cars and alcohol to see that he wasn't humble !

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    strange things - I've been looking at this issue too lately and earlier today thought it might be helpful to explore it a bit more

    The Bible Students (as they were all known back then) published a large amount of info about the take-over by Rutherford and his totally ignorely Russell's Will.

    If you care about truth, then the following information is important to you. Things are not always the way they seem. Sometimes history is whitewashed by those who have a special interest in hiding the truth:

    The official organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is not who/what they claim to be. In 1917 there began a significant schism which resulted in nearly seventy-five percent of Bible Students leaving the Watchtower Society by 1928. Why? On this page you can download actual scans of the original documents distributed among the Bible Students beginning in January, 1917. Most of these documents have been hidden by the hierarchy of Jehovah's Witnesses until now. We are the only website in the world to provide the following original documents, (three of which are the only copies known to exist). By the end of 1928 more Bible Students had left than stayed, after which Joseph Rutherford formed the Jehovah's Witnesses, but continued to claim that Pastor Charles Taze Russell was their founder.

    Here are a few of the details: It all began when Joseph Rutherford removed four members of the Watch Tower Society Board of Directors under a legal technicality that would have equally applied to him, and then authorized the writing and publication of the book "The Finished Mystery" contrary to Pastor Russell's Will, and without approval of the Board, while falsely claiming it to be the "posthumous work of Pastor Russell". As this issue developed, Rutherford began to forcibly and dogmatically alter the existing doctrinal views, organizational structure, and inclusive spirit of love for all Christians in or outside of any Denomination. What had once been a non-judgmental and open association of Christians seeking and searching for Bible truth, had quickly turned into an organized religion with a supposed exclusive theocratic relationship with God, an organized creed with rules and heavenly judgments, and a central rulership with a body of leaders that supposedly had a direct link to the Apostles. As a result of these things, Bible Students began to realize the spirit of truth they held so dear had been compromised. By the end of 1928 three-fourths had severed their association with Rutherford and the newly changed Watchtower Society. In 1929 an attempt was made to regather those Bible Students who had grown disillusioned by the obvious change in spirit of Christian love and service at the Society. These are the same Bible Students who bring you this website. In these documents you will see many charges, and counter-charges. In the end, there were none from either side who were entirely blameless. Carefully read the documents, weigh the evidence in your mind, and draw your own conclusions. We are not providing these documents to create disputes or judge the hearts of others. It is important that those who claim to uphold truth should always do so with a clear conscience, and without deceit. You can contact the Bible Students for more information... (In seeking to protect the integrity of the following documents we have, sadly, found it necessary to watermark the pages. This is because the copyrighted material has been frequently stolen by others who claim the ownership and scanning was their work, and then presenting it as their own, without citing as the actual source. We can provide you with unmarked photocopies on request. Thank you for your understanding.)

    Pastor Russell's Will (June 29th, 1907) Points of note: The Society is to conduct matters according to his wishes following his death; No new publications are to be produced; Each Watchtower issue must be overseen by a Committee of five, whose names appear therein; 'Old Theology Quarterly' tracts should continue to be published.

    Statement of Facts and Points (July, 1917) Joseph Rutherford presents his reasoning and claims for why the old Board is illegal. Coming Soon!

    Letter (July 27th, 1917) This first letter was printed up and sent to as many Bible Students as possible from the deposed members of the Board of Directors to inform them what had just taken place. 1.09 meg

    Harvest Siftings (August 1st, 1917) This paper was written by Joseph Rutherford and printed by the printers under contract to the Society, then distributed to all Watch Tower readers in violation of Pastor Russell's Will. 3.58 meg

    Open Letter to Conventioners (August 4th, 1917) A quickly mimeographed notice handed out at a Convention in Boston, Massachusetts to clarify that the claims in "Harvest Siftings" were inaccurate. 674 kb

    Printed letter (August, 1917) A printed letter showing correspondence between Frank Cook, colporteur and Pilgrim under Pastor Russell, and a brother Charles Cox, addressing the issue of whether or not "The Finished Mystery" should be accepted by the Lord's people. 496 kb

    Resolution Concerning "Harvest Siftings" (August 31st, 1917) A statement created and issued by the Los Angeles, California Ecclesia (congregation) of Bible Students reproving both sides for the course taken in the differences. 229 kb

    Light After Darkness (September 1st, 1917) A booklet printed by the members of the Board of Directors who were deposed by Rutherford. 6.68 meg

    Harvest Siftings II (October 1st, 1917) A booklet printed by Rutherford, again utilizing the donated funds of the Society, and published in violation of Pastor Russell's Will as a response to "Light After Darkness". 1.40 meg

    Harvest Siftings Reviewed (November 1st, 1917) A booklet written by P.S.L. Johnson, Pastor Russell's closest friend and associate, whom Rutherford and the current leadership of the Society to this very day accuse of being the true instigator of the troubles. 4.83 meg

    Facts For Shareholders of the WTB&TS (November 15th, 1917) Specific details of the illegal activities of Rutherford, including a statement by legal council, in preparation for elections to be held in January, 1918. 4.24 meg

    Open Letter to the People of the Lord (November 21st, 1917) A petition signed by several individuals at the Brooklyn Bethel desiring both sides to come together and resolve their differences. 791 kb

    "Harvest Siftings Reviewed" itself reviewed (December 7th, 1917) A short booklet printed by Jesse Hemery, the administrator of the London Tabernacle, supporting Rutherford, and denouncing Johnson. 1.25 meg

    Another Harvest Siftings Reviewed (August 22, 1918) A second booklet by P.S.L. Johnson presenting more details regarding Rutherford's accusations against him. 3.60 meg

    Notes and Comments on "The Finished Mystery" (February 19th, 1919) A 48-page booklet printed by Bible Students in Australia which points out the many errors and misrepresentations apparent in "The Finished Mystery." This booklet appeared in place of the March, 1919 issue of "The Peoples Paper", the monthly periodical of the Bible Students Tract Society, founded in Australia after the death of Pastor Russell. 5.14 meg

    The Golden Age (July 8th, 1931) Judge Rutherford claims the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" in order to make a final separation from Bible Students who desired to remain faithful to the ministry of Pastor Russell. 808 kb

    Witness Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 1 (October, 1931) Bible Student response to Judge Rutherford's claiming the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" and final attempt at separating the WTB&TS from Bible Students who desired to remain faithful to the ministry of Pastor Russell. 1.18 meg

    The Golden Age (October 14th, 1931) Official response from the Society to Witness Bulletin No. 1. 707 kb

    Witness Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 2 (January, 1932) Second paper written by Bible Student representatives in reply to statements made by the Society in "The Golden Age" magazine. 1.39 meg

    Witness Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Summer, 1932) Announcement of another reunion Convention of Bible Students, and attempts at regathering all those alienated by Rutherford. 730 kb

    Witness Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 4 (October, 1932) "The Press Still Pressing On" answers the claims that the WTB&TS (a printing plant) can represent all believers as "God's channel". 736 kb

    Witness Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 5 (July, 1933) This final printing of the "Witness Bulletin" answers the Society's claim that they are "God's Organization". 1.43 meg

    When Pastor Russell Died (1946) A booklet printed by the Dawn Bible Students Association covering some of the basic details of the division between Bible Students faithful to Pastor Russell's Will and the WTB&TS during the period from 1917 through to the mid-'40s. 3.56 meg

    It is well worth reading.

  • startingover

    I too have come to the same conclusion about Rutherford. When I first discovered the Bible Students still existed, I was really surprised. After reading on their site, I started wondering why my grandparents, who started their association in 1910, went the way they did and stuck with Rutherford.

    Just within the last month I got my answer. My grandparents happened to be really good friends with MacMillan. When I took a closer look at him and their relationship, it became obvious they stuck with their buddy who happened to have a high position. I now feel it had nothing to do with truth, just power.

    You might find this interesting:

  • gumb

    Lady Lee

    , thanks for copying the text and links of the page I mentioned.


    and startingover, thanks for the links. I've just saved copies of the pages.
  • RR

    A History of Charles Taze Russell
    and the Bible Students Association

    Below are links to many historical papers, some very rare made available for the first time in electronic form.

    Biography and History of Pastor Russell and the Bible Students Movement.

    Soldiers of the Cross: A history of Charles Taze Russell and IBSA

    When Pastor Russell died: An historical overview of the Bible Students after the death of Pastor Russell as told by the Dawn Bible Students Association.

    Daughters of the Tower: a brief overview of the various groups who separated from the Watch Tower Society.

    Lest we forget: A history of the Bible Students, unlike other histories this one details lesser known events among the Bible Students AFTER the death of Pastor Russell.



    These papers are related to the ongoing set of chrages, refutations and counter-charges from 1917 to 1919, concerning Watchtower management problems and the seventh volumes of Studies in the Scriptures.

    Pastor Russell's Last Will and Testament: Pastor Russell's Last Will and Testament as published in the "The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence," of November 1916.

    Harvest Siftings — August 1st, 1917 — A paper written by Joseph Franklin Rutherford in regards the events of what transpired earlier that year.

    An Open Letter to Conventioners — August 4th, 1917 — A Convention handout in Boston, Massachusetts, claiming that "Harvest Siftings" were inaccurate.

    Cook/Cox Correspondence — August 1917 — Correspondence between Watch Tower Pilrgim Br. Frank Cook, and a Br. Charles Cox, in regards the acceptance and or rejection of "The Finished Mystery".

    Resolution Concerning "Harvest Siftings" — August 31st, 1917 — A resolution drawn up by the Los Angeles, California Ecclesia of Bible Students attempting to reconcile the Board of Directors and Judge Rutherford..

    Light After Darkness — September 1st, 1917 — The four disposed members of the Board of Directors tell their side of the story.

    Harvest Siftings II — October 1st, 1917 — Judge Rutherford's reply to the Boards "Light After Darkness".

    Harvest Siftings Reviewed — November 1st, 1917 — Watch Tower Pilgrim's Paul S.L. Johnson's side of the story.

    Facts For Shareholders of the WTB&TS — November 15th, 1917 — Instructions as to Rights, Privileges, Suggestions and Duties Pertaining to the Election of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society at Pittsburgh January 5th, 1918

    Open Letter to the People of the Lord Throughout the World — November 21st, 1917 — A petition by several brethren at Brooklyn Bethel calling for an "Investigative Committee" to be formed to hear and judge charges made by both sides.

    "Harvest Siftings Reviewed" itself reviewed — December 7th, 1917 — IBSA's London Branch managerJesse Hemery, tells his side of the story, denouncing Paul Johnson and supporting Judge Rutherford.

    Another Harvest Siftings Reviewed [PDF] — August 22, 1918 — More details by Paul Johnson regarding the charges against him by Judge Rutherford.

    Separations of the Harvest — December 30, 1918 — "A stenographic report of an address by R.O. Hadley delivered at the Vancouver, B.C. Stand Fast Bible Students Convention." Gives some information regarding the splits among the brethren.

    "The Ship" Acts 27th Chapter — January 12, 1919 — "A Stenograpjic Report of an Address by Brother C.E. Heard, delivered at the Seattle, Washington Stand Fast Bible Students Convention on January 12, 1919." An interesting discourse on the separation within the Watch Tower Society.

    Notes and Comments on "The Finished Mystery"— February 19th, 1919 — A 48 page booklet authored by Br. C.F. Main and published by the Bible Students Tract Society of Adelaide, Australia (Now the Berean Bible Institute) detailing the many errors and misrepresentations found in "The Finished Mystery." Contains personal correspondence from Watch Tower headquarters.



    The Witness Bulletin were published by what is today the Dawn Bible Students Association in 1931 and 1932. These papers contained articles answering and refuting the many false allegations of the Watchtower Society against the Bible Students. Published as large tracts and articles in THE DAWN magazine.

    Witness Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 1 October 1931 — "Honoring Jehovah's Name." A response to Judge Rutherfords claims in regards the name "Jehovah's Witnesses."

    Witness Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 2 January 1932 — "All Sincere Proclaimers of the Truth invited to cooperate with Jehovah's Witnesses." A reply to the statements made in "The Golden Age" magazine of July 8th, 1931.

    Witness Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 3 Summer 1932 — "Another Reunion Convention." Announcement of the Reunion Convention of Bible Students in Pittsburgh, PA, and attempts at regathering all Bible Students.

    Witness Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 4 October 1932 — "The Press Still Pressing On." A response to the Watchtower and their authority to represent true Christians.

    Witness Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 5 July 1933 — "Failure to recognize God's Organization a fruitful cause of division among Christians." A candid discussion of a vital matter, in regards the Watchtower's claim that they are "God's visible Organization".



    Miscellaneous writings regarding Bible Student history

    A Refutation of False Charles Against Bro. Johnson October 1975 An article appearing in "The Present Truth", a journal published by the Laymen's Home Missionary Movement founded by Paul S.L. Johnson, refuting the claims appearing in the 1975 Yearbook.

    Food for Thinking Jehovah's Witnesses - A site for thinking Jehovah's Witnesses, examining the teachings, history and practices of the Watch Tower Society.

  • Tenacious

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