when an active witness quits.

by edmond dantes 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Why does the governing body not write a letter of thanks for all the hard work and effort that a witness has put in on behalf of the org? They could at least send them best wishes for the future and invite them to return soon and that they regret that after all this time they see fit to leave.

    How about if they said "we will remember you in our prayers".

  • hubert

    Because that's what other Christian churches would probably do.

    They don't want to be like other "Christiandom" churches, would they?


  • candidlynuts

    they dont even appreciate the ones that stay.

    an elder called my dad a " seat filler" to his face one day..

    dad was apologizing because he's elderly and unable to be as active as he used to be and felt bad because he'd missed meetings due to surgery, elder said " get here when you can, your a great seat filler! helps keep our attendance statistics up!"

    hurt my dads feelings terribly. a life time of being a jw, 4 years in prison as Cons. objector, raised kids in the truth, brought several others in...and he's a seat filler.

  • blondie

    Quits, like disassociating themselves.

    Quits, like being disfellowshipping from the congregation for a "gross" sin.

    Quits, like they just stop going without saying anything and without sinning bad enough.

    I have yet to have had anyone thank me at the local level let alone a letter from the headquarters of the WTS.

    Even then the WTS stance is that we are only good-for-nothing slaves doing what we ought.



    Regardless of what we accomplish in the Christian ministry, all of us have to remember Jesus’ humbling words: "So you, also, when you have done all the things assigned to you, say, ‘We are good-for-nothing slaves. What we have done is what we ought to have done.’" (Luke 17:10)

  • LovesDubs

    They arent even ALLOWED to pray for those who left Jehovah. They dont pray, if you havent noticed, for people in devasated regions like New Orleans except if there were Witnesses there. The rest of the victims can go jump. They dont help anyone but Witnesses, they dont CARE about anyone but Witnesses and they HATE anyone who isnt a Witness.

    So forget about being on their prayer list baby.

  • hubert

    Candidly, Just shows you the arrogance some of these idiot Elders have. That elder could never match up to your Dad.


  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    After I left for awhile I decided to look in on an assembly .The first words that greeted me was "I have not had a report from you lately". Turned round walked straight out never darkened their doorstep again .That was forty years ago,best thing I ever did and never looked back.Lucky escape straight over the wire.


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