Anyone have a parent who is gay?

by Ziggy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ziggy

    Good afternoon!

    My apologies if this has been asked before, but I am wondering:

    (1) If there is anyone on this forum, who has a Mom or Dad who opened up that they were gay?

    (2) Were you a JW at the time? If so, how did this affect your relationship with your parent?

    (3) If you are no longer a JW, has your relationship with your parent improved?

    (4) Are there any parents on this forum who are gay and have children?

    (5) If you have come out to them, how has your relationship been affected?

    The reason I ask is that I am gay and a parent. I came out to my kids when they were between 13 and 21 years old. I had already left the Watchtower due to my crisis of conscience (this occurred about 10 years earlier). Initially the kids seemed OK about it, almost like it was no big deal (despite their being raised JWs). But, sadly, they each embraced the JW faith and shunned me.

    Although I realize that by embracing the JW faith they likely would have shunned me even if I hadn't "come out" to them, in letters I received from two of my kids (to officially shun me), my "homosexuality" was high on the list of things that they condemned in me. Of course, not the only thing, but it was a biggie.

    I am especially hoping for "insight" into the perspective of JW "kids" and how their views changed once they themselves left the Watchtower. I will always be hopeful that my kids eyes will be opened and that our relationship will be restored --- and maybe your responses will give me some encouragement, that this indeed can happen!

    Thanks so much!


  • AuldSoul

    I have a gay Father-In-Law. Does that count?

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    My ex is gay, we were both born and raised JW's. We married when I was 17 he was 21. He had already had a gay relationship with another bro, but I did not know that until 18 years later when we parted. My ex and I left the org and divorced at about the same time, he also came out of the closet. We had two children about

    nine and fourteen at the time. The older one clung to "the truth" briefly, but both of my kids have great BS detectors, so she didn't last long. Among today's youth, being gay just seems to be a non issue. Our kids have no problem with Dad being gay, they are now in there early twenties. If not for the JW religion, I bet your kids would have no problem with your sexual orientation. Just another way the dubs tear families apart. Because of the old farts in NY I spent eighteen years of my young life in an impossible relationship. I would catch the attention of men everywhere I went, but my husband didn't want to touch me. I married so young and ignorant that I had nothing to compare my relationship to. We had sex regularly, but in eighteen years he never once opened his eyes. He would be loving and affectionate to me in public, but cold, distant, and unkind when we were alone. He constantly showered me with presents. How does a young ignorant girl decipher what's going on? I don't blame him, I blame that goddam religion, he was just trying to be good, just like I was. I can't imagine what it must feel like to have your children shun you, I hope one day they will see beyond the haze that constant meetings, field service and assemblies produce.
  • zeroday

    I'm a lesbian trapped in a mans body...

  • scotsman

    I'm not in your situation but... I resigned as an elder and stopped attending meetings at 30 revealing that I had never believed in god. Family upset but not shunning. When I came out 1 year later one of my brothers and his family decided to shun me despite me not being disfellowshipped. We discussed their hypocrisy of finding my disbelief in god easier to deal with than me having a boyfriend but hey ho somehow the gay thing was much worse.

    Sorry I can't help, but even more sorry your kids have behaved like this. Hopefully time will make a difference.

  • LittleToe

    But at least you don't believe in the Trinity - that really would be the unforgivable sin

  • BizzyBee

    I'm a lesbian trapped in a mans body...

    Uhhhhh.....I believe those cancel!

  • Ziggy

    Thanks to all of you for your responses!


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Both of my parents were rather morose.

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