What can a JW (and I) expect as/if they leave the WTS?

by aikichristian 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • aikichristian

    My girlfriend of 3 years is a pretty strong Jehovah's Witness. However, she has celebrated birthdays, 4th of July, Halloween, and attended Christmas (related) parties since being with me. I'm Catholic, btw.

    Now, many of you may think I'm "winning", but she still goes to Hall 2x/week and her Book Study. So, I'm not sure that I have put such a big dent. Although it is interesting to see her willfully celebrating things that her religion expressly forbids and deems pagan. I am uncertain of the extent to which her parents know of her "pagan" activities.

    So, what should her and I expect to see and face should she decide to leave the WTS? Her whole family and all her good friends are practicing JWs. She was raised JW from birth too.

    To become a non-JW would be difficult for her, to become Catholic would be a mental and spiritual 180 for her. The mental gymnastics I saw her do regarding Heb 1:1-14 was disturbing to me, not even ridiculous. Common sense just didn't work with her. I would ask her questions on that chapter like:

    • If Jesus was an angel, and angels were to worship only God (Jehovah), then why would He be suddenly ok with them worshipping another angel? (verse 6).
    • In Isaiah 44:6, God (Jehovah) asserts his superiority and absolute uniqueness, why would He endorse worship of anyone/anything other than Himself? Wouldn't He be dismissing the 1st Commandment?
    • What about John 5, especially verses 19-23? It is chaulk full of direct and implied statements of Jesus = God. Just because Jesus doesn't work alone, doesn't make Him an angel/archangel.

    She showed me a bunch of verses that supported her view, but none of them addressed how God could suddenly be ok with His angels and his people honoring/worshipping another angel, that is, not God. The quickness she jumped into those verses was like my words just bounced off her head. She just turned it off! (reason, logic, common sense) Rather than answer the question, she just spat out some verses at me.

    This is what I am up against, and should she decide to leave....to even become just a non-JW...is up against. What is in store?

  • What-A-Coincidence
  • nvrgnbk
    However, she has celebrated birthdays, 4th of July, Halloween, and attended Christmas (related) parties since being with me.

    Sorry friend, didn't read your whole post but if she's doing the above and dating you she aint that "strong"

    of a Witness. And that's a good thing.

  • Honesty
    What is in store?

    Depends on how brainwashed her immediate family is.

    If they are loyal to the Watchtower Society, she will be viewed as one of the 'Walking Dead' and be subjected to shunning and on occasion be villified as an apostate (the most hated people on earth).

    Her friends will turn and run if they see her in a public place because she is 'unclean' and repugnant to the Watchtower god.

    If she decides to rejoin the cult she will have to undergo a lot of humiliation and unloving treatment.

    If she is reinstated the JW's will do a complete 180 and treat her like a family member who has just returned from a long journey.

    JW love is just like a water spigot... it can be turned On and OFF at will.

  • aikichristian

    She would definitely have to suffer and risk losing a lot (family and friends) if she decides to leave and even moreso, convert. It would be almost like starting her social life from scratch. Assuming the 'worst' happens (family AND friends rejection) she would be in a social desert.

    I think the fear of being alienated by what you thought you knew is what keeps JWs in their place than any sound doctrine they possess (if any).

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    (((((aikichristian))))) Even if your SO decides to become what's termed "inactive" and/or does a "fade" they'll shun her as if she were dead. That is if her family doesn't have a mind of their own where their relatives are concerned.

    That's according to a new WTS policy that has provided the info that all inactive jdubyas should be shunned as though DF'd or DA'd. There's another thread on that subject around somewhere, perhaps in the last 3 or 4 pages of the "active topics."


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    She may play the games with you now, but when it comes down to losing everything she has grown up with and everyone, she will think twice. The emotional blackmail of the Witnesses is very effective.

    I have seen it up close and personal. She probably would expect you to do the changing, not her. Right now, she is just feeling her rebellious side. But she will go running back for cover when the time comes. She may even turn herself in to the elders when she gets to the guilt stage. Then she will want you to back her up by converting so you can be a happy Witness family. That is the only good outcome for her.

    You are playing with fire!

  • Arthur

    I do not say this with sarcasm; but your girlfriend sounds extraordinarily confused. When a JW goes as far as celebrating birthdays, Christmas, Halloween while dating a Catholic; it usually implies that they have mentally and emotionally divorced themselves from Watchtower theology.

    Yet, as you put it; she still attends meetings and defends Watchtower teachings. This almost sounds like a person with split personalities. Someone who is truly emotionally attached to Watchtower teachings almost never gives in to celebrating holidays like Halloween. And, at the same time, someone who is celebrating holidays and dating a Catholic is almost always someone who has given up their JW past.

    I would only suggest that you have a very serious heart-to-heart discussion about her religious stance as well as the future of your relationship. Over the long term, a serious relationship comprised of a JW and a Cathothlic will be about as workable as a bicycle with square wheels.

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