WTS letter regardong Franz's book

by rosa 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rosa


    my friend told me that there is a letter to elders regarding the Ray Franz's book "Crisis of Conscience", how to handling when elders discovered a brother reading this book, etc...

    Does anyone know about it?



  • kwintestal

    I'm not sure, but all letters to elders from 1977 to 2000 are online here http://www.reexamine.org/BOE/

    Might be worth checking out.


  • ex-nj-jw

    I checked out this site but couldn't find anything. Please let me know if anyone does.


  • rosa

    I found this in Portuguese, and possibly the original are in German (author = Mehmet Aslan, Grenzach-Wyhlen)


    Numa carta datada de 25 de outubro de 1990, a Sociedade Torre de Vigia diz:

    "Na sua carta de 17 de outubro de 1990, uma comissão judicativa da congregação de XXXXXX informou-nos que em algumas congregações de XXXXXX, os publicadores lêem o livro Crise de Consciência do apóstata Franz."

    "Entretanto, os irmãos foram informados desse fato pelo corpo de anciãos da congregação XXXXXX, e pedimos que os irmãos nos notifiquem e digam se conseguiram descobrir quais são os irmãos que possuem este livro. Em cada caso, é necessário que dois anciãos falem com esses irmãos seriamente e com urgência e os avisem sobre os perigos da apostasia. Pode também ser apropriado dar um discurso durante a próxima reunião, e chamar a atenção da audiência para os perigos da literatura apóstata e avisar urgentemente os publicadores. Por favor informem-nos, também, quanto a se os irmãos envolvidos levaram a peito o vosso conselho e estão dispostos a destruir a literatura apóstata."


    In a dated letter of 25 of October of 1990, the WTS says:
    "In its letter of 17 October 1990, a judicial commission of the congregation XXXXXX informed us that in some congregations of XXXXXX, the publishers read the book Crisis of Conscience of the Franz apostate."
    "However, brothers had been informed of this fact for the body of elders of congregation XXXXXX, and ask for that the brothers in notify them and say if had obtained to discover which are the brothers who possess this book. In each in case that, it is necessary that two elders speak seriously with these brothers and with urgency and they inform them on the dangers of apostasy. He can also be appropriate to give a speech during the next meeting, and to call the attention the hearing for the dangers of apostate literature and to inform the publishers urgently. Please they inform them, also, how much if the involved brothers had taken the chest your advice and are made use to destroy literature apostate."

  • kwintestal

    It appears that this perhaps is a personal correspondence to an individual KH discussing a particular judicial ruling, and not a letter sent to all bodies of elders.


  • Borgia

    Interesting that the advise from the brnch office is to destroy apostate litarature. I thought the Nazis had an infatuation with apostate literature.



  • tijkmo
    inform them on the dangers of apostasy

    not so concerned about their spiritual health then

  • zagor
    it is necessary that two elders speak seriously with these brothers and with urgency and they inform them on the dangers of apostasy.

    Thank you for that rosa. I never though about it much but I'm just noticing the same thing all along there must be TWO elders talking to someone. WHY? Why not only one? Well if they are at least two of them they then spy on each other and can't relax and get into real discussion to get to the bottom of the issue. This way WTBS ensure that real objective is achieved as per their directive i.e. to speak seriously with these brothers and with urgency and they inform them on the dangers of apostasy So when elders come to see you about reading this book they already have objective and very precise goal and it is NOT to reason with you but to make you conform and force you into submission. And they have to do it with urgency so not even them would have enough time or guts to think about things described in the book.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once


    Actually the intent of TWO elders is to have two witnesses should the person express sympathy with the content of the book. That would be apostacy and they would now have two witnesses in order to form a committee and eventually disfellowship. When TWO elders come calling its a preliminary investigation for a Judicial Commitee. Not interested in helping, just convicting.


    Edited to add post, hit enter by mistake and posted a blank. Duh.

  • Honesty
    When TWO elders come calling its a preliminary investigation for a Judicial Commitee. Not interested in helping, just convicting.


    But they told me they were here to "Help me Spiritually".

    I found out differently a few days later when one of them asked me the LOYALTY QUESTION.

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