Fear of the truth

by KW13 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    When your a dub, the fear of the unknown (the real world) prevents you from taking a step from outside the organization, even for a second.

    As an ex-dub, it seems crazy i ever was a dub or that i ever entertained their ideas for more than a moment. The lengths the Society go to hide things don't go beyond hiding it from those within the organization, this is obvious anyone on the outside can see clearly what it is. The difficulty is proving things to the blind dubs.

    Saying this, why are so many Jehovah's Witnesses (who can normally be very nice) very arrogant when it comes to discussing their beliefs on other terms other than their own, if they aren't comfortable they resort to insults and rudeness, they find it ok to attack other peoples beliefs in literature, when they meet them but if anyone does the same to them they get hurt and run away immediately - specially if its an 'apostate'.

    As much as i was once one of them, from the moment i left and apparently went off the narrow road i feel so much better about my life, other things in the world. How many dubs are terrified rather than excited about the end of the world? Without their comfort blanket of the Society, they feel isolated and scared.

    Others though i admit, are rather sick in the head. Making statements about how they look forward to seeing dead people, and people being destroyed e.t.c

    On top of this, they claim that they would like to 'serve' and be humble but everyone strives to get into some position of authority or be something special (i've seen this in Churches also, everyone wants to do something and be a leader of some kind) unless of course your a female which immediately means your second not first in everything and the male gets rights to do and say whatever they please.

  • journey-on

    They are afraid. They're paranoid to the max. They always feel Satan lurking over their shoulder or Jehovah watching their every move ready to put a mark by their name for talking to an apostate, sleeping in late on Sat. a.m. rather than going in the fs, or not studying the WT lesson, or even having a brief "wrong" thought. They are only comfortable around like-minded people and their worse fear is allowing a "seed" of doubt to be planted in their brainwashed mind. Because then it might grow and grow and grow till they become weak spiritually (meaning able to think for oneself).

    I think they are afraid that the "door is going to be closed soon" and if they are not careful, they will be on the outside banging on the door to let them in. I remember as a kid, we were always told about Noah going into the Ark and Jehovah closed the door just before it started to rain. They were safe and sound inside God's place of protection, and then the rain began. People stormed the door of the ark trying to get in but IT WAS TOO LATE!!!........We were told: "What if tonight at the meeting, Jehovah closes the door and seals his people in and Armageddon begins outside. If you're not at the meeting, well, you won't be protected!!!" What a horrible thing to tell a kid. Everytime I missed a meeting for being sick or anything, I would think about that. FEAR MONGERS!

  • tetrapod.sapien
    The difficulty is proving things to the blind dubs.

    the thing is KW, is that anyone can be born with the brain-potential for a high IQ. what people are *never* born with is the ability to think critically. so, a witnoid can have a high IQ and still be totally out to lunch.

    if they seem arrogant, then i would venture that it's because they have become masters of their own narrow little worldview. lol.


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I was never afraid of the truth until I became a jw. They use fear as a means of control. After many years within their confines, it can be a very fearful thing to break free. I imagine that many are not emotionally able.

    I was raised in a mainstream religion and they never used fear to the extreme of the jws. The jws say they use the fear of hell, but I didn't see that happen. If anything , they stressed the positive things in the Bible. And they allowed people to believe what they chose to without the threat of shunning.

    I still operate under the fear of my family finding out what I truly believe and losing contact with them. If that isn't controlling people through fear, I don't know what is. Fear of a petty, vengeful God is finally disipated, though and for that I am thankful.

  • lisavegas420
    I was raised in a mainstream religion and they never used fear to the extreme of the jws. The jws say they use the fear of hell, but I didn't see that happen. If anything , they stressed the positive things in the Bible. And they allowed people to believe what they chose to without the threat of shunning.

    I found this to be one of the most amazing things when I left. The fear of hell was not stressed on the church goers that I met, as I had been taught. No one I knew, thought THEY were going to hell. They usually knew someone else, that might be, but they KNEW they weren't...they had no doubt at all about their salvation and being Heaven bound.

    Some not all, but some, are a little testy when I start quesioning "how do they KNOW", but most are happy with whatever answer they give me, usually.... "I just know it!."

    I was way more terrified of dying at Armegeodon than any worldly person was worried about burning in hell.


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