"No Blood" and Wikipedia

by Doug Mason 2 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    The "No Blood" people sought comments on a piece it was preparing for Wikipedia on the reasons JWs do not accept blood.

    I wrote to them saying that they should indicate in their article that the WTS is not a "no blood" organization and that they should also indicate the impact of the threat of "shunning"has on a JW patient's decision.

    I also provided them with a copy of my latest work on blood ("Loyalty Test", available at http://au.geocities.com/doug_mason1940/blood/html ).

    I wonder if I will hear from them?


  • J-ex-W

    I don't know if you'll hear from them, but GOOD FOR YOU!!! I'm one of those who was badly affected by the shunning thing about blood, etc., and how my decisions were influenced by it. Glad someone speaks out.

  • 5go


    I was trying to edit wiki to reflect this in the past don't waste your time there are some people that seem to make it their life's work keeping stuff like that off the main JW page. And they got friends up in the WIKI organization to help them. ( why they do I do not know ) It almost seems like bethel has some of their guys on the edit team just to take everything and make it into a dispute so wiki has to step in and lock it. Then pact the hearing with prowatchtower people. It is lucky that we got the side contraversies page to stay on. They tried several times to get rid of it.

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