Any Nintendo Wii'ers out there?

by Jourles 9 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Jourles

    Hands down the best new game system you can buy. Forget the ultra-highend graphics, being part of the game is where it's at. We've had one for a couple months now and even my wife loves to play all the games we have for it.

    BSoM's thread about D&D reminded me of something...You know how many jw's will watch Lord of the Rings but will spurn Harry Potter due to the witchcraft portrayed? Or how about not playing D&D, but playing Zelda? This same scenario exists in my home as well. My wife tells me to turn the channel if Harry Potter happens to be on, but we own the Rings' set on dvd and she loves the trilogy. We also have Zelda as one of our Wii games and she has her own character saved as she plays through it. I just sit back and snicker in my head. I'm glad she is finding Satan's world to be more acceptable these days.

    The Wii's bundled Sports pack is worth it alone. The tennis and bowling are as if you are there on the court or the lane. Swing your arm like you're holding a racquet. Flick your wrist as you release the bowling ball for added spin. Too cool. So far we have Zelda, Monkeyball, and Need for Speed - Carbon. I'm definitely dropping whatever coin it's going to cost for the new Tiger Woods. No more joystick and button swinging. You better swing it right or it's going out of bounds.

    So does anyone else out there have one and think it's the greatest?

  • Angharad

    We just got one.... for the kids obviously !

    The sports game is great I thrashed Simon at bowling the other day :D Although I can't do the tennis, I don't seem to have very good hand eye coordination !

  • Pubsinger

    Hey we were just discussing getting "the kids" one for Christmas too

    Is it good?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    The stores keep selling out of them where I live so i've still got time before I hand my life over to it. I'm in no hurry to buy so I can wait.

  • sammielee24

    We're getting the kids one too.....what? We don't have kids?...oh well - the way - did you know that they are actually marketing this game directly to older folks? It's a market that has been pretty well ignored up to this point, but the Wii is really changing all that - seems a large portion of the buyers are it's outselling PS and XBox....sammieswife.

  • tijkmo

    i dont do video games

    but i would do Wii

  • aSphereisnotaCircle
  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    My daughter and her BF ahve one.

    I've bowled with it, it's amazing.

  • metaspy

    If there was a store around me that could hold one long enough for me to get there, I would have one.
    of course I am usually one system behind, so it doesn't bother me that much.
    I do think that it was the best of the 3 new systems (xbox360, PS3, Wii)
    But I am biased (PS3 cost too much; I hate M$)

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    We've got one (no kids here). We LOVE it!!! I'm hooked on the boxing. Must say that it is quite a workout and relives much frustration!

    We also have Rayman's Raving Rabbids and it's lots of fun too. The dance games on it are very challenging.

    It's a great system for entertaining. Try getting liquored up and playing a few rounds of the bowling. A good time!

    tall penguin

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