Something to put in your pipe and puff on....

by hillbilly 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly

    read this the other day in a WT pub- (can't remember which one but it was recent) and I'll paraprhase.... "languages dispearing at alarming rate.... (some old guy) who was last speaker of his native tounge died , blah blah.... about 300 (?) languages and dielects disaprear yearly...."

    Wait a minute..... JAH scrambles the tounges of mankind at BABEL so they can no longer make progress in earthly endevours ?
    Now we are seeing a trend back to "one launguage". HMMMN.... Maybe this is reverse language de-evolution. media has couse a shift in regional culture for years... about a little 'new light'.... if we get back to universal comunications will the Tower be finished.... Inquiring minds need to know.

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