Leader of ex-Muslim group threatened by Muslims

by No Apologies 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Just saw this article, shows that JWs do not have a monopoly on religious intolerance by any means.


    Founder of ex-Muslim group threatened COLOGNE, Germany, Feb. 23 (UPI) -- The founder of a group in Germany for former Muslims has sought police protection after receiving death threats.

    Mina Ahadi, a native of Iran living in Cologne, said about three dozen people have joined the Central Council of Ex-Muslims.

    "I happened to be born in a Muslim family, and I have decided not to be a Muslim," she told the magazine Focus.

    Ahadi said she and other members of the group have been "terrorized" and have received death threats, most of them sent via e-mail.

    In many Muslim countries, people who abandon the faith face the death sentence under Sharia law.

    Ahadi said she hoped to represent the interests of former Muslims who do not practice the religion. She chose the name as a play on the Central Council of Muslims, which has about 800,000 members and is the largest Islamic group in Germany.

    No Apologies

  • Stealth453

    Religious extremists are religious extremists, no matter what name they choose.

  • Elsewhere

    Here is a great website I like to read from time to time: http://www.faithfreedom.org/index.htm

    It is a website very similar to this one, only it is for ex-Muslims.

    Here is where you can read stories of people who left Islam. They sound a lot like the stories you read here!

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