outKast, here's my response to your

by Tallyman 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tallyman

    It's been a few days.

    Didn't want you to think I'd forgotten about you.

    Here's my response to your (whatever it was)

    * http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=12792&site=3


  • outcast

    You had a lengthy and long post all about something to do with Joelbear.

    Except for one thing. This was nothing to do with Joelbear, this was to do with some emotion locked inside of you that needed airing.

    It would appear that you are going through some tough times at the moment...times that would be best utilised to rest and a change of leisure activities...or else you will just get sucked into the maelstrom of negativity and disquietening thoughts that are spilling out onto this board from your goodself....and then you will quietly self destruct or alienate all from your persona.

    I fail to see what you have achieved here...except that you have vented..

    A simple statement that you did not concur with Joels comments would have been sufficient.
    I did not agree with Kent posting the original picture..but ultimately when Simon finally realise that he has to do some deleting and moderating....it will all come together.

    I enjoy your posts..I do not enjoy your rantings.

    But then Im an outcast.

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