Are we to be imitators of old ideas..or inovators of new better ideas?

by The Dragon 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Be getting alot of static about throwing out new ideas by those imitating and following the old ones. Is the game of life about follow or fail..or lead and excell? Should I discourge and intimidate my kids into doing as I do instead of coming up with their own ideas?

    Any thoughts?

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Stifle your kids' growth and development and deny them the best future they can have?

    Do you really need an answer from anyone here to that question?

    Why would anyone willingly pass that kind of joylessness on to their kids?

    Are you getting "static" from JWs?

    Hon, there are better ways to be a parent than the JW way. They know nothing about child development, healthy parenting, or healthy living, for that matter.

    Please, seek help from outside sources on this matter; your kids deserve better than what you and I got, which was stifling and misery from the bOrg.

  • Narkissos

    You can only teach the "old things".

    You cannot teach disobedience.

    But you may smile when it happens.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Learning, Thinking, Labeling and Knowing
    Parents | Teachers | Home
    Thirteen essential thinking skills | Behavior Labeling
    I Know Everything / The Average Child / Unity Poem
      Children Learn What They Live
      If children live with criticism,
      they learn to condemn.
      If children live with hostility,
      they learn to fight.
      If children live with ridicule,
      they learn to be shy.
      If children live with tolerance,
      they learn to be patient.
      If children live with encouragement,
      they learn confidence.
      If children live with praise,
      they learn to appreciate.
      If children live with fairness,
      they learn justice.
      If children live with security,
      they learn faith.
      If children live with approval,
      they learn to like themselves.
      If children live with acceptance, and friendship,
      they learn to find love in the world.
    Author Unknown
      Thinking is a skill ... it can be taught.
      Thirteen essential thinking skills:
      Looking for Assumptions
      Collecting and Organizing Data
      Problem Solving
      Decision Making
      Author Unknown

    Behavior Labeling
    If an adult is reinforced for behaving appropriately we call it
    If a child is reinforced for behaving appropriately we call it
    If an adult laughs, we call it socializing.
    If a child laughs, we call it misbehaving.
    If an adult writes in a book we call it doodling.
    If a child writes in a book we call it destroying property.
    If an adult sticks to something we call it perseverance.
    If a child sticks to something we call it stubbornness.
    If an adult seeks help we call it consulting.
    If a child seeks help we call it whining.
    If an adult is not paying attention we call it preoccupation.
    If a child is not paying attention we call it distractibility.
    If an adult forgets something we call it absentmindedness.
    If a child forgets something we call it attention deficit.
    If an adult tells his side of a story we call it clarification.
    If a child tells his side of a story we call it talking back.
    If an adult raises his voice in anger we call it maintaining control.
    If a child raises his voice in anger we call it a temper tantrum.
    If an adult hits a child we call it discipline.
    If a child hits a child we call it fighting.
    If an adult behaves in an unusual way we call him unique.
    If a child behaves in an unusual way we refer him for a
    psychological evaluation.
    Written by Dixie Fletcher
    Reprinted from "Throughout Arizona," published by Pilot Parent Partnerships, Inc.

    I Know Everything
      There is something I don't know
      that I am supposed to know.
      I don't know what it is I don't know,
      and yet I am supposed to know,
      And I feel I look stupid
      if I seem both not to know it
      and not know what it is I don't know.
      Therefore, I pretend I know it.
      There is nerve-wracking since I don't know
      what I must pretend to know.
      Therefore, I pretend I know everything
      R. D. Laing, "Knots" (1970)

      The Average Child

      I don't cause teachers trouble
      my grades have been okay.
      I listen in my classes
      and I'm in school everyday.

      My teachers think I'm average,
      my parents think so too.
      I wish I didn't know that
      cause there's lots I'd like to do.

      I would like to build a rocket
      I have a book that tells you how,
      or start a stamp collection
      well no use in trying now.

      Cause since I found I'm average
      I'm just smart enough you see
      to know there is nothing special
      that I should expect of me.

      I am part of the majority,
      that hump part of the bell,
      who spends his life unnoticed
      in an average kind of hell.

      Mike Buscemi

      Unity Poem

      I dreamed I stood in a studio
      and watched two sculptors there
      The clay they used was
      a young child's mind
      And they fashioned it with care

      One was a teacher:
      the tools that were used were
      books, music, and art.
      One was a parent
      with a guiding hand and a gentle, loving heart

      Day after day the teacher toiled
      with a touch that was deft and sure,
      While the parent labored side by side
      and polished and smoothed it o'er.

      And when at last the task was done
      They were proud of what they had wrought.
      For the things they had molded into the child,
      Could never be forgot.

      And they agreed each would have failed
      If either had worked alone.
      For behind the parent stood the school,
      and behind the teacher, the home.

      Author Unknown

    Students|Travel | Parents | Teachers| Animals | HOME

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