Can anyone who provides information to others prey on the recipients?

by The Dragon 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    I have been thinking about this. If someone is trusted to provide information to others...what is to stop them from preying on those listening if they choose to?

    I know we have police to play predator of the blatant predators...but who is in charge of preying upon the slick predators who disguise their preying ways by making up words to make their deeds politically correct and justified in the eyes of their less intelligent prey?

    If a predator was exposed as such to his prey by another predator..would the prey become the predators of their predator as a result...and prey to the exposing predator. Excellent way to steal a predator's prey...but highly dangerous.

    The exposing predator...could be trying to protect the prey..or trying to steal it. How can we know for certain which without seeing into the future?

    Will we always be prey to higher intelligence if they want us to be?

  • purplesofa

    I pray you get an answer

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    How would we know if that predator was wanting us for his prey..or wanting us to be free from being preyed upon?

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Is the FDSC wanting more prey...? Or trying to save the prey? Or thieves trying to steal others prey?

  • Satanus

    So true. So many of the social dynamics at work in different species can be observed alive and active within the human race. As the highest animal life form on this planet, we have only others of our species who can truly prey on us. It's up to us as a species to be as informed and as aware as we can possibly be. Totally trust no one.

    Pink floyd did an album on this type of subject. There were three classes: pigs, dogs, and sheep. The pigs were on top running the show. The dogs worked for them as enforcers. The sheep, well, they were sheep. In the end, the sheep turned on their exploiters.


  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    No matter who you are..or how well educated you are. If you seek a service, or product from someone...and are not an expert in their will become their prey if they wish. education can move you up the chain from prey to predator...but unless you are an expert in will be prey at the whim of those who have something you want..or information you want.

    At my shop...we could prey on lawyers, doctors, cops, and college professors whenever we want....but we also get preyed on by them when we need them..and our parts sources.

    Welcome to the jungle....we got fun and games.....

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