Star Wars figures

by tdogg 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • tdogg

    Last year I retrieved my Star Wars collection from my dad's house. I was a Star Wars freak since I was 6 years old and I first saw the film. Many of the origional old figures were missing and I wondered if they had just been lost over the years. My stepmother reminded me that I had to bury some in the backyard because of a talk a CO gave about these demonic figures. I have a very vague memory of this. My grandmother (who was never JW) tells me of a JW friend who around the same era had to give away all of her kids stuffed animals.
    This must have been around 1976-77.

    Does anyone older than me know what this was all about?

  • slipnslidemaster

    I dunno, but I had to throw out all the guns. Lightsabers were ok, guns no.


    Slipnslidemaster: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    - Ben Franklin

  • Esmeralda

    YES! Whaaaaaaaaa!!!! I had SO MUCH star wars stuff...original movie programmes, cards, all that stuff would be worth a FORTUNE now if my mom hadn't gone on one of her many "Demon purging" stuff.

    Wish I'd realized at the time that she thinks everything has demons. She has even said I was possessed when I disagreed with her.

    aaaaahhh boyyyyyyyyy...

    Man I miss my stuff! I was the only girl on my block who wanted to be a Jedi LOL. Now that I'm here maybe I'll get to be in about another 600 posts or so LOL


  • tdogg

    Interestingly, I was allowed to start my collection over later on. Apparently the "new light" about Star Wars didn't last very long. But those very first figures were a little different then the ones they made later on and are buried somewhere....

  • slipnslidemaster

    It's so wierd to me because in my congregations Star Wars, Star Trek and Scifi in general seemed to be ok. Dr. Who, etc.

    What's up with that?

    Slipnslidemaster: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    - Ben Franklin

  • Moridin

    I too had an extensive collection. My dad said they were demonic. I hid all of I still have some of my original figures that are now worth a lot of money.

  • Teirce

    Dude, Tdogg, that sucks. My mom threw out my lightsabres, and her pio friend told her she ought to get rid of my demon-possessed little Yoda. I kept him safe, however, and reasoned with her, much to that evil pioneer's sniveling slavering witchery.

  • joelbear

    I had this really cool collection of toys from around the world that I got as part of being in a kid's explorer club when I was about 8. I remember there being a wooden sculpted giraffe, a neat little drum like toy and a bean that had tiny tiny tiny animals carved and stored inside it.

    My mom threw it all out on a demon purge also.

    Man that pisses me off.



  • dubla

    well, g.i.joes were definitely out, and they were the better guys at the time; had moving knees and arms, and all kinds of cool guns. so i was relegated to star wars guys as well. no mention of them ever being demonized, but i did have to throw out the guns just like slip (and i too was able to keep the light sabers....wierd). i had a HUGE collection of star wars....all the guys, all the ships, everything. unfortunately for me, i sold most of em in a garage sale years ago, before they became the collectors items they are today. im still sick about it.


  • slipnslidemaster

    I used to buy the G.I. Joe weapons packs from my cousins to outfit my Star Wars guys. I used to buy female "action figures" and have them for "R & R" for the Star Wars guys.

    I was a bad little dub...

    I'm going to have to ask why I was allowed Star Wars figures when it is an almost blatant ignoral by my very conservative parents. I wonder what is up with that?

    Slipnslidemaster: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    - Ben Franklin

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