My new blog at

by Santisimo 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Santisimo

    Hi Everyone:

    If you like, check out my new blog at:

    I'm sure to get plenty of interesting comments on it (nice and not so nice). On some of my recent posts, several members caught on to my interest in Judaism. I don't consider myself a Jew because I have not converted (yet). However, I have realized that there is a place for people like me (former JWs) who believe in the Hebrew Scriptures only, but are not Jews by birth or conversion. Judging by some of the posts I've read on this forum, I'm not the only one who feels what I wrote in my blog. Regardless, I just wanted to share a little piece of my life outside of this forum with everyone else. Thanks for reading.

  • moshe

    Being a righteous Noahide will get you zero respect from an Orthodox Jew, I am afraid. I am a Jew by choice and sometimes feel disrepected by Jews who were born into the faith. Then, sometimes I get the most respect from other Jews who feel being born a Jew is no big thing, but being a convert to Judaism deserves a special honor. One thing you will find about Jews is they all have different opinions and are not afraid to tell you what they believe- in the end we are still friends!

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