W.W.W. links about JW

by MacHislopp 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    Following e-mail request for such research,

    and to please also Expatbrit , here are some informations

    that can be seen in the W.W.W. - in different languages :

    1) http://www.freeminds.org/foreign/francais.htm

    Articles en français sur les Témoins de Jéhovah
    1984 et " Big Mother "
    Ce que signifie être né de nouveau
    JÉHOVAH : le nom au-dessus de tous les noms?
    Jésus Christ : qui est-il?
    L’organisation des Témoins de Jéhovah mise sur “ pilote automatique ”
    La croix (grec : stauros)
    La Traduction du monde nouveau et ses critiques
    Le mythe du Dieu à trois têtes ou L’épouvantail de la Trinité
    Le salut en Jésus Christ
    La Société Watch Tower et l’astrologie
    Le Collège central vote pour une “ nouvelle compréhension ” sur le vote
    Les fêtes
    Les Témoins de Jéhovah et les Nazis : La Société Watchtower répond à ses détracteurs
    Les Témoins de Jéhovah et le viol
    Les Témoins de Jéhovah s’abstiennent-ils vraiment du sang ?
    On ressort la notion de " génération"
    Pourquoi tous les Chrétiens vont au ciel
    Révisions trompeuses dans la Traduction du monde nouveau
    Un ancien membre du Béthel de Brooklyn fustige la Société
    à propos de La Tour de Garde
    Un chrétien peut-il posséder un chat ?
    Unité et conformité : Pourquoi seules les sectes semblent y parvenir
    email Christian Dott

    2) http://www.chez.com/tjrecherches/index.html

    3) http://www.microtec.net/mleblank/occulte/demasquons.html

    4) http://www.ringsurf.com/netring?ring=infosectes;action=list

    5) http://www.multimania.com/maynacque/

    6) http://multimania.com/jgluc

    7) www.chez.com/infosectes

    8) http://user.online.be/~gd34048/

    9) http://www.multimania.com/palain/index.html

    10) http://www.multimania.com/tussier/tj.htm

    11) http://perso.libertysurf.fr/dbisserier/index.htm

    12) http://www.malka.com/sectes/wto.html

    13) http://www.multimania.com/patricelion/

    14 http://www.kalivenus.fr.st/

    15 http://fr.groups.yahoo.com/group/TJ-Liberte

    To make you really happy….here are the FIREWORKS:

    16) http://www.chez.com/infosectes/pages/liens.htm#ressources


    hauthautSites web en français
    Site de Vigi-Sectes
    Une équipe européenne de spécialistes des sectes à votre écoute, y compris par e-mail.
    Site de l'ADFI
    Une présence sur le terrain, près de chez vous en France. Des permanences pour vous accueillir.
    Site de Matthieu Cossu
    Beaucoup d'information en-ligne, secte par secte, site indépendant.
    Site de l'AEIMR
    Association d'Etude et d'Information des Mouvements Religieux (non limitée aux sectes)
    Site du CCMM
    Centre Roger Ikor Contre les manipulations mentales
    Site de Roger Gonnet
    Beaucoup d'infos en ligne sur la scientologie. Rapports parlementaires sur les sectes.
    Site de Jacques Luc
    Très bon site sur les TJ avec un dossier remarqué concernant les images subliminales.
    Site du BDSR
    Bureau de Documentation sur les Sectes et les Religions de Montréal Inc. Site de Michel Leblanc
    Ce site s'intéresse aux liens entre TJ et occultisme. Michel Leblanc est également modérateur de Liste WT, une liste de discussion entre ex-TJs francophones.
    Concernant les TJ, voir aussi les sites de Patrick Alain et Henrique Diaz.
    hauthautSites web en anglais
    Watchtower Observer
    Crée par un ex-témoins norvégien trés actif, contient beaucoup de documents de base.
    Comments From the Friends
    Une bonne adresse avec beaucoup d'autres liens.
    All Along the Watchtower
    Un autre site norvégien fait par un ex-témoin.
    The Watchtower Survey
    Un site belge avec reference aux changements fait dans la littérature des témoins.
    Tout sur le sujet transfusion sanguine
    La page officielle des témoins
    Une autre page des témoins http://www.jw-media.org/

    hauthautSites web en allemand
    Témoins de Jehova Info
    Hans-Christian Lemke, Auteur du livre "Pas de Paradis pour Angela"
    Les Témoins de Jehovah blessé de Bayern
    Une Homepage des parents.
    Sandra et Alexander
    Pourquoi nous ne sommes plus témoins.
    Frank Bechhaus
    Page chrétienne sur l'enseignement des témoins

    hauthautTous les sites et groupes de discussion connus
    (1) UseNet
    (a) alt.christnet
    (b) alt.recovery.religion
    (c) alt.support.ex-cult
    (d) alt.mindcontrol
    (e) alt.religion.christian
    (f) alt.religion.watchtower
    (g) bit.listserv.xcult-l
    (h) talk.religion.misc
    (i) soc.religion.christian
    (j) soc.religion.christian.bible - study
    (k) uk.religion.christian

    (2) BitNet
    (a) xcult-l
    (3) Sevice On-line

    (a) CompuServe Religion forum Folder Jehovas Witnesses
    (b) America On-Line Religion Folders
    (c) Microsoft Network Religion Folder
    (d) CiX Cult conference

    (4) InterNet E-Mail
    (a) jesus-witnesses mailing list*
    (b) channel-d mailing list*
    (c) Triumphing Over London Cults
    (d) Australian Cult Awareness & Info. Centre*
    (e) Jehovah's Witness Information Center*
    (f) Jehovah's Witnesses Outreach Centre*
    (g) Cult Information Network*
    (h) The Peregrine Foundation
    (i) Cornerstone Ministries*
    (j) Witness Inc*
    (k) BEACON for former JWs*
    (l) Free Minds Inc*
    (m) exJW Infolink - Germany*
    (n) Fundacja "Slowo Nadziei", Poland
    (o) Immunize the World Against the WTBTS (Japanese)
    (p) MidWest Christian Outreach*
    (q) AFF News - Recovery Information About Cults & Psychological Manipulation
    (r) ReachOut Trust, England*

    (5) World Wide Web
    (a) Principaux sites specifiques TJ
    (i) Watchtower Observer
    (ii) Beyond Jehovah's Witnesses
    (iii) All Along the Watchtower
    (iv) Comments From the Friends
    (v) Norman Hovland's Home Page
    (vi) Free Minds Inc.
    (vii) BEACON for former JWs
    (viii) Yahoo JW Page
    (ix) Yahoo - JWs: Opposing Views
    (x) Jesus- Witnesses Home Site at ICLnet
    (xi) Watchman Expositor
    (xii) Breaking Free from the Jehovah's Witnesses and other Cults
    (xiii) Tan Chee Kien's JW Page, Malaysia
    (xiv) The Faithful & Discreet Slave Homepage
    (xv) FreeT hought - JWs
    (xvi) Gay/Lesbian ex- JWs
    (xvii) Roman Catholic Church JW Page
    (xviii) T Jay's Dialogues With JWs
    (xix) Behind the Watchtower Walls
    (xx) JW Dialogs
    (xxi) The Watchtower Organization
    (xxii) Watchtower Inquiry

    (b) Autres sites TJ
    (i) The Art of Persuausion - Telling It Like It Is
    (ii) A Catholic Perspective on JWs
    (iii) Changes in WT Fundamentals
    (iv) Giving JW's A Broadside (Daniel 4)
    (v) History & Techniques of JWs
    (vi) Shunning, History & False Prophecy
    (vii) Indep endent Thinking
    (viii) JWs and the Churches of Christ
    (ix) A Resource & Meeting Place for Former JWs
    (x) JW Major Doctrines
    (xi) Joseph Malik's JW Page
    (xii) DePaul Diversity's JW Page
    (xiii) Cults Library
    (xiv) JWs New Convert Library, Canada
    (xv) Rebuttal to the Doctrines of The Jehovah's Witnesses
    (xvi) Seven Ways JWs Distort True Christianity
    (xvii) Watchtower Quotations
    (xviii) ZIA's JW Resources Index

    (c) Pages en langues diverses
    (i) German ExJw Support
    (ii) Andeas Zerbst's Home Page, Germany
    (iii) Religio - Cults & Sects in Germany (German & English)
    (iv) skoÐun á kenningum Votta Jehóva, Iceland
    (v) Italian Ministry to JWs
    (vi) Japanese / English Site (Hong Kong)
    (vii) Japanese / English JW Information Page
    (viii) Japanese / English JW Information (Mirror Site)
    (ix) Norwegian Support Group
    (x) Støttegruppe Vest for tidligere Jehovas vitner (Norwegian)
    (xi) Informasjon om Jehovas vitner (Norwegian)
    (xii) Fundacja "Slowo Nadziei", Poland
    (xiii) Free Minds (Spanish Language)
    (xiv) Infor me sobre Testigos de Jehová (Spanish)
    (xv) CKI-FöRLAGET (Swedish)
    (xvi) Swedish Literature Index
    (xvii) Föreningen Kristen Frihet (Swedish)
    (xviii) InfoLink (German exJWs)
    (xix) Auf der Suche nach christlicher Freiheit, Kapitel 4, (Ray Franz)

    (d) Témoignage
    (i) The Information Highway Freed Their Souls
    (ii) Loved Ones Lost to the Watchtower
    (iii) ceej and the JayDubs
    (iv) True Stories from Free Minds
    (v) Former JW Testimonies
    (vi) Plau Blizard - "They Wanted Our Baby To Die!"
    (vii) Testimonie s at Watchtower Observer
    (viii) Resignation letter from US JW Woman
    (ix) Resignation letter from Australian JW woman
    (x) Resignation letter from US JW man
    (xi) Testimony of Bwalya P Musonda
    (xii) True Stories from Beyond the Watchtower
    (xiii) JWs and Unconditional Love
    (xiv) A Former Jehovah's Witnesses
    (xv) Gary Busselman's Story
    (xvi) Excommunicated for Internet discussion and other stories
    (xvii) Michaele Maurer - The Further Adventures of BoRegard
    (xviii) Among Good Christians, PixelVision Film, Jacqueline Woodson
    (xix) Vicki J. - "Sex in the Sect"
    (xx) Stories of Those who left the Watchtower
    (xxi) Women Who Must Recover Years Lost in the Tower
    (xxii) In Memoriam of Canadian JW Suicide Victims

    (e) Documentation On-Line des témoins
    (i) L etter to Hitler
    (ii) 1934 YearBook with Statement to Nazis
    (iii) Branch Office Procedure
    (iv) Branch Office Procedure (Australian Mirror)
    (v) Branch Office Procedure - PkZip Format
    (vi) Dwelling Together in Unity (Staff Rulebook)
    (vii) PhotoDrama of Creation
    (viii) Theocratic Ministry School Schedule for Windows
    (ix) Branch Office Procedure - Mac Compressed Format
    (x) Pay Attention To Yourselves and All The Flock (JW Elders manual)
    (xi) Watchower December 1916 (C.T. Russell Memorial Edition)
    (xii) Letter from Watchtower Society to Czech Republic Government
    (xiii) Pictorial Plagiarism - the Sept 15th 1982 Watchtower
    (xiv) JWs & Ethnicity - Paper presented to the American Academy of Religion
    (xv) The Visual Rhetoric of JW Iconography
    (xvi) JW Hymn in MIDI format

    (f) Autres gruppes russelites
    (i) Bible Students
    (ii) Chicago Bible Students
    (iii) Bible Time Prophecy & Chronology
    (iv) New Brunswick Congregation of Bible Students
    (v) Winnipeg Bible Students
    (vi) Polish Bible Students
    (vii) Faithbuilders Fellowship
    (viii) Layman's Home Mission
    (ix) Christian Bible Students, Melbourne

    (g) Autres Documentation On-Line

    (i) Watchtower New York Corporation Accounts
    (ii) Waiting For the End of The World
    (iii) Crisis of Conscience, Chap 9 (Ray Franz)
    (iv) Auf der Suche nach christlicher Freiheit, Kapitel 4, (Ray Franz)
    (v) Demonic WT Images, Norway
    (vi) JWs as Criminals
    (vii) Demonic WT Images, USA
    (viii) JW iconography
    (ix) JW Poetry
    (x) JW Riddles
    (xi) WT Art & Plagiarism
    (xii) The Kafkaesque Organisation
    (xiii) Watchtower Quotations re Organisation
    (xiv) Racism in Watchtower Artwork
    (xv) An Examination of Cult-Type Behaviours Exhibited by JWs
    (xvi) The Bethel Chronicles - Eyewitness Accounts from Watchtower HQ
    (xvii) The Two Churches of Jehovah in Japan
    (xviii) Russellite Chronology
    (xix) Where is the Great Crowd Serving God? (Synposis)
    (xx) JW Statistics, 1879- 1996
    (xxi) Jesus-Witnesses ftp archive
    (xxii) Leaving JWs - A Recovery Guide
    (xxiii) The Bible Gateway - Scripture Look-Up On-Line
    (xxiv) Saskatoon Freenet JW Home Page
    (xxv) Computer Underground Digest - Cult Censorship
    (xxvi) Commentary on the film A Perfect World

    (h) Science

    (i) talk.origins - Review of JW Creation book
    (ii) talk.origins - WatchTower Dishonesty
    (iii) talk.origins - JWs and Evolution
    (iv) talk.origins - General JW Problems
    (v) Some Comments on the JW Creation Book
    (vi) Essay on JW "Creation" book
    (vii) A Case of Science, Pseudo-Science and Religion - Pyramidology in the Adventist Bible Student Tradition

    (i) Médecine
    (i) JWs & Blood - The Definitive Site
    (ii) The Bloodless Net: Watchtower Blood Apologists
    (iii) Children, Victims of Dogma
    (iv) Christian Chat Online
    (v) Directory of JW/Blood Resources
    (vi) Watchtower Internal Propaganda on Blood Ban
    (vii) JW FAQ article on blood
    (viii) Bloodless Surgery (JW Site)
    (ix) Watchtower Observer Medical Index
    (x) JWs as Patients - Anaesthesia Home Page
    (xi) Blood and Life, Law and Love (Chapter 9 of "In Search of Christian Freedom"
    (xii) Erythopoietin for JWs
    (xiii) Refusal to Consent to Treatment on Religious Grounds
    (xiv) Anesthetic Challenges and the JW Patient
    (xv) Cancer Control Journal: Management of JW Oncology Patients
    (xvi) Offical Report on Mental Health of JWs in Western Australia
    (xvii) Psychology & Religion, JW as patient

    (j) Humour

    (i) AJWR Free Zone - Humor
    (ii) Gary Larson: The Road to Freedom
    (iii) The TRUTH: The Way I Seen It
    (iv) Armageddon Okies
    (v) Norm's Sarcastic Pages
    (vi) Watchtower Observer's Humor Page
    (vii) The Crisis - A Jack Chick Comic Strip
    (viii) How to remove your house from the JW visit list
    (ix) A Knock On The Door
    (x) Why is Life So Full of Problems?
    (xi) rec.humor - JWs
    (xii) JW Humor
    (xiii) JW Cartoon of the Week
    (xiv) JW Joke
    (xv) X-Files JW Clip

    (k) TJ-Service

    (i) 1914 - Is This Date Supported in Scripture?
    (ii) Answers to Jehovah's Witnesses - Hope for the Hurting
    (iii) An Appeal to Jehovah's Witnesses (Christadelphian)
    (iv) Balaam's Donkey
    (v) Paul Blizard's Ministry
    (vi) Broken Shackles Ministry to JWs
    (vii) Christadelphian Paper on JW Apocalypse Predictions
    (viii) Co venant Outreach Ministries
    (ix) Cult Research & Evangelism
    (x) Cult Awareness Centre, Australia
    (xi) Exetazo
    (xii) FishNet - Witnessing to a Witness
    (xiii) God With Us
    (xiv) Freedom in Truth, Oregon
    (xv) Help for the Hurting
    (xvi) Jehovah's Christian Witness
    (xvii) Lightbearers
    (xviii) Mandate Ministries, Australia
    (xix) Mandate Ministries, Australia (mirror)
    (xx) Midwest Christian Outreach
    (xxi) Reachout Trust, UK
    (xxii) Real Bible Truth - Franz and Revelation
    (xxiii) Truthnet - JW Home Page
    (xxiv) Tawantinsuyu
    (xxv) Watchtower Bound to Change Fundamental Teachings
    (xxvi) Daryll Westfall's Ministry
    (xxvii) Witnessing to the Witnesses
    (xxviii) Witnesses now for Jesus
    (xxix) Witness Inc

    (l) Litérature TJ On-Line

    (i) Watchtower Society (English)
    (ii) Watchtower Society (German)
    (iii) From Kurukshetra to Armageddon - and Your Survival (For converting Hindus)
    (iv) How to Find the Road to Paradise (For converting Muslims)
    (v) JWs & the Question of Blood
    (vi) When Somebody You Love Dies
    (vii) Why Does God Allow Suffering

    (m) Ecriture des TJ non autorisée

    (i) Are We Going To Heaven or Hell? What Does the Bible Say?, John Hutchinson
    (ii) How Can JWs state that the Lord's Presence Began in 1914, John Hutchinson
    (iii) Glossar y of American Hacker Theocratese, Lynn Newton
    (iv) How Is There a Hope for Mankind?, John Hutchinson
    (v) Michael the Great Prince - Who is he?, Mogir Rofick
    (vi) soc. religion.christian JW FAQ, Jack King
    (vii) soc.reli gion.christian JW Apologies, Mark Sornson
    (viii) The Trinity: Beyond the Bounds of Reason, Emerick A Gallegos
    (ix) Watchtower Unplugged 'Zine, AJWR
    (x) What is the Truth About God's Relation to Jesus?, John Hutchinson
    (xi) What is JWs View on Disfellowshipping, John Hutchinson
    (xii) Why do JWs not celebrate Christmas?, John Hutchinson

    (n) TJ-Ap.

    (i) Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, Inc.
    (ii) Directory of Online JWs
    (iii) Directory of JW Web Sites
    (iv) "Real" ; JW Links
    (v) The Illustration Page
    (vi) JW Monthly News Bulletin
    (vii) JW Verification Website
    (viii) JW Preaching
    (ix) Happiness in The Park
    (x) Index to Bible Questions (Richard Holland)
    (xi) L & A Service Accessories
    (xii) Messenger's of Godly Peace
    (xiii) MP Technologies - Software for JWs
    (xiv) Why JWs are the Happiest People in the World
    (xv) The BloodLess Network
    (xvi) Israeli JW Page
    (xvii) Kingdom Hall On- Line
    (xviii) Online JW Chat Page
    (xix) The Pioneer Server
    (xx) "We Are JWs", Portland, Oregon
    (xxi) Andre's Home Page
    (xxii) Anine & Svend, Denmark
    (xxiii) Berean Scriptural Research
    (xxiv) Brave New World
    (xxv) Chris Bartlett's On-line Bible Study
    (xxvi) Bjørn Ove Clausen,Norway
    (xxvii) Chrisoph er Curry's Defence of JWs
    (xxviii) Tim Cunningham & the Ministerial Training School
    (xxix) Crossleys' JW Page
    (xxx) Ole Eskildsen (Member of JW Internet Ruling Body)
    (xxxi) Per-Martin Haugland, Norway
    (xxxii) Hairy's JW Page (Belgium)
    (xxxiii) Anne Mette Holm Halvorsen, Denmark
    (xxxiv) Lea Hudson, England
    (xxxv) Soren Isaksen, Greenland
    (xxxvi) Steve Klemetti
    (xxxvii) Helio Leal, Brazil
    (xxxviii) Leigh & Teresa's Home Page
    (xxxix) Proclaimers of Good News
    (xl) Tony's Australian JW Site
    (xli) Durrwachter's Theocratic Downloads
    (xlii) The Giles Clan, England
    (xliii) John Hick's Witness Page
    (xliv) Choe Ji Hun, Korea
    (xlv) John Hutchinson ( [email protected])
    (xlvi) Shubert Kersey Jr
    (xlvii) Shubert's Storage Depot
    (xlviii) Sung Min Lee - "The One True Religion"
    (xlix) David Mingard, Quebec
    (l) Lynn Newton
    (li) Jari Nuutinen, Finland
    (lii) Robert Petersen
    (liii) Mogir Rofick's Bible Truth For All
    (liv) Martin van Rossum, Australia
    (lv) Jeffrey Sibbach
    (lvi) Linda Solomon's JW Web Server
    (lvii) Linda Solomon
    (lviii) Testimoni di Geova, Italy
    (lix) Temoines de Jeovah, France
    (lx) Dutch JWs Homepage
    (lxi) Bruno's Swedish JW page
    (lxii) PhunNet BBS SysOp
    (lxiii) IBSA BBS SysOp

    (o) TJ Reformateur et non orthodoxe

    (i) Berean Missionary Outreach
    (ii) Free Zone - AJWR
    (iii) Hourglass2 Outpost
    (iv) JWs Seeking Truth
    (v) The Judicial Machine
    (vi) JW Zone
    (vii) MonasteryNET, California Polytechnic
    (viii) A Questioning JW - Doc Bob's Home Page
    (ix) Two Witnesses Must Come

    (p) TJ Home Pages

    (i) Svend Almskou, Denmark
    (ii) Stan Artyshko
    (iii) Iddo Bante, Holland
    (iv) Battery Page
    (v) Philip Bernhauser
    (vi) Jared Birchley, England
    (vii) Didier Blocus, France
    (viii) Ben Bucksch, Germany
    (ix) Daniel Butler, Florida
    (x) Thomas Carusetta
    (xi) Charlie Channel
    (xii) Bjorn Clausen, Norway
    (xiii) Matthew Curtin
    (xiv) Staci Davis
    (xv) DePriest Family & Holy Real Estate
    (xvi) Thom Durrwachter
    (xvii) Randy Filkin
    (xviii) James Giddings, Oregon
    (xix) Rlindo Foster
    (xx) Harry Hernandez
    (xxi) Wayne Hazel
    (xxii) Kenneth Hostland (Norwegian)
    (xxiii) Lea Hudson, Bradford, England
    (xxiv) Humberto's Censored Page
    (xxv) Tapani Inkinen, Sweden
    (xxvi) Soren Isaksen, Greenland
    (xxvii) Olaf Jacobi, Germany
    (xxviii) Ulan King's Home Page
    (xxix) Miguel Garcia Lopez, Spain
    (xxx) Larry Madden's Pioneer Spirit Online
    (xxxi) Stephanie Matthews
    (xxxii) Rick & Nicole McKay
    (xxxiii) Robert Menzies
    (xxxiv) Jerry McKane
    (xxxv) Spencer McMullen
    (xxxvi) Stan Milosevic
    (xxxvii) Ray Morris
    (xxxviii) Mufasa's Page
    (xxxix) Sharon Paculor, Hawaii
    (xl) Ken & Cherry Perry
    (xli) Mikael Persson (Sweden)
    (xlii) Remi Peters, Holland
    (xliii) Robert Petersen
    (xliv) Xiang Dong Qin
    (xlv) Sean Ragsdale
    (xlvi) Tommy Rasku, Finland
    (xlvii) Tim Robson, England
    (xlviii) Martin von Rossum
    (xlix) Peter Sanson, New Zealand
    (l) Rodney Savard
    (li) Dean Sheldon
    (lii) Dan Simoes
    (liii) Andre Siragusa, USA (Italian speaking)
    (liv) Dicki Smits
    (lv) Jorge Diaz Tambley
    (lvi) John R. Vaughn, Hawaii
    (lvii) John Vos, Michigan
    (lviii) John Wadsworth (Member of Friends Host Committee)
    (lix) Wermund Family, Sacramento
    (lx) Carl Weselnak
    (lxi) Peter Wilhelmsson, Sweden
    (lxii) WiNTM / TSWIN (JW Software)
    (lxiii) Sara Zorin, Sweden
    (lxiv) Kingdom Web Site of A Jonson

    (q) Organisations d'entraide

    (i) American Family Network
    (ii) Avoiding Abuses Along the Path, Steve Hassan & Lama Surya Das
    (iii) Centre for Religous Tolerance
    (iv) Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry
    (v) The Contenders
    (vi) The Cultic Studies Journal
    (vii) Spiritual Counterfeits Project
    (viii) FACTnet
    (ix) Steve Hassan on Mind Control
    (x) ICLNet
    (xi) Info- Cult
    (xii) Peregrine Foundation
    (xiii) Recovery from Mormonism
    (xiv) reFOCUS Network
    (xv) Spiritual Abuse "The Survivors"

    (r) Autres sources de sectes
    (i) alt.recovery.religion archives
    (ii) alt.support.ex-cult archives
    (iii) Center for Utopian Studies, University of Ohio
    (iv) Cults on Campus
    (v) Cults Index
    (vi) Christian & Cult Resources
    (vii) Cult Techniques
    (viii) The Kafakesque Organization
    (ix) Cult Resources at Arizona State University
    (x) Social Control in Scientology
    (xi) DisInform ation's Bible Prophecy Dossier
    (xii) Cults Page, Sweden
    (xiii) Cults & Sects in Germany
    (xiv) The frightening lure of the cult
    (xv) The Fringes of Reason
    (xvi) Observer A-Z of Cults
    (xvii) Recovery From Religious Abuse
    (xviii) Recovery and Support Index
    (xix) Religious Harassment - Advice on Cults for MIT Students
    (xx) The Singer Foundation
    (xxi) The Skeptic's Dictionary
    (xxii) Dr. Margaret Thaler Singer

    By posting this INFORMATION, in no way I do agree

    With the content/writings/ideas appearing in the various

    Web-sites. Still, I do hope that this INFORMATION

    will please …many!

    Greetings to you all, J.C. MacHislopp

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

  • Englishman

    Mac 'Islopp,

    Sacre bleu, mon ami! En Francais est incroyable avec mois. Toute alors mon petite cauiflower.

    Mange Tout,


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • Celia

    Englishman, this is too good !
    A tout à l'heure mon petit chou fleur....
    Bwahahaha ha haha ha....
    MANGE TOUT ? You lost me here, it means ?
    There are many people on this board I would love to meet, EMan is one of them, Farkel, AlanF, Kent, Mulan. Tina,UncleOnion or is it UncleBruce??? and I can't think anymore cause I hadn't had my cup of coffee yet this morning.
    I haven't figured out how to use the emoticons, can someone help ?

  • ozziepost

    Monsieur Engleeeshman,

    Votre dit: "Un petit peu" !


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • ozziepost

    Monsieur Mac 'islopp,

    Merci bien.

    Votre frere,


  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    thanks for your funny remarks, I do

    appreciate your efforts. Now... I'll let you into a

    secret...I'm not french although I know the language

    quite well.

    Still, I hope you did appreciate my INFORMATION.

    Btw, the other day I posted some german language

    web' sites.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

  • rocky

    Thanx for it ... maybe someone can help me getting the French Watchtower library 2009??

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