Update page on UN and other secret stuff

by Dogpatch 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Dogpatch

    It has been a task to sift through all the stuff on the United Nations stuff, but I have managed to find a page with most of the recent stuff that can be BOOKMARKED if you want to direct a JW or someone else to it:
    It is also linked from my main page at http://www.freeminds.org as SECRET GOVERNING BODY DOCUMENTS
    Take a look if you get time and let me know if you see anything amiss.
    Randy Watters

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    Nice job Randy.

    The only suggestion I would make is to take the "What are the responsibilities of NGOs associated with DPI?" section from the UN-DPI document and make it front and center, as you did with the section on "What are the Criteria for NGOs to become associated with DPI?".

    There are some particularly incriminating statements in the "responsibilities" section, that a casual surfer might not get otherwise:

    "What are the responsibilities of NGOs associated with DPI?"

    Since the founding days of the United Nations in San Francisco, NGOs have made valuable contributions to the international community by drawing attention to issues, suggesting ideas and programmes, disseminating information and mobilizing public opinion in support of the UN and its Specialized Agencies. Association with DPI constitutes a commitment to that effect. Associated NGOs are expected to devote a portion of their information programmes to promoting knowledge of the United Nations' principles and activities. In addition, they are expected to keep the DPI/NGO Section abreast of their activities by regularly providing samples of their information materials relating to the work of the UN. These are also made available for perusal at the DPI/NGO Resource Centre.

    (italics mine)


  • dungbeetle

    <"Associated NGOs are expected to devote a portion of their information programmes to promoting knowledge of the United Nations' principles and activities">

    Do you think that the WT sees the following statements:

    The United Nations is the disgusting thing standing (or not standing depending on year, month or week) in a holy place, will someday turn on and destroy false religion and be instrunental in tha attempted destruction of true religion just before God has to come and stop the carnage...

    A fulfillment of its 'associated NGO' committment? I mean, who's to say it isn't?

    Dunbeetle...of the "I need to get to bed' class...

  • ARoarer

    Maybe the Scarlet Covered Beast will turn on the Taliban, and Jehovah's Witnesses. After all, they say all "false religion"

  • sf

    Thanks Randy. Most everything I need to inform jw in yahoo, is nicely packaged here. Makes it easy to paste this way.


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