another article on the sextuplets/blood

by orbison11 9 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • orbison11
  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I'm going to post it here just in case it changes URL or is removed from their server

    Saturday January 20, 2007

    Refusal of medical care for infants inexcusable by Tyson Jewell

    Added hours of homework, increased complexity at earlier grade levels, pressure to keep active: the trials of the average child. For the sextuplets born in British Columbia, martyrdom may have to be added to the list.

    The six infants already have a host of challenges facing them including possible long-term effects such as neurological and developmental deficiencies, hearing and vision problems, and short-term effects like serious anemia because of premature birth. According to a Toronto newspaper, the babies may also need blood transfusions to stay alive.

    Premature babies are born with fewer red blood cells than infants delivered after a full-term of pregnancy, and they have to have blood taken from them continually for essential tests every few days. Some tests are for blood gases, to monitor the growth and performance of the kidneys, the lungs, and the liver, said senior medical laboratory technician Ann-Marie Smith from the blood bank at Kingston General Hospital.

    The four girls and two boys won't get the transfusions however, because their parents are Jehovah's Witnesses. According to Biblical Scripture, Jehovah's Witnesses believe they are not to accept treatments involving blood transfusions. Jehovah's Witnesses view life as God's gift, represented by blood.

    Parents who aren't willing to keep their children safe by using available medical procedures should not be allowed to keep their children, regardless of religious beliefs.

    The official Watchtower website has a section that attempts to explain the medical reasoning behind refusing blood transfusions. Most of the information presented focuses on showing the follies of blood transfusions, and the supposed efficacy of non-blood alternatives. Most of the information is cited from the 1980s, and while that doesn't make the information wrong, the authors of the website should find current medical opinions if they want to support their decision to avoid the use of blood transfusions.

    Non-blood alternatives to transfusions are being used more and more by doctors in recent years, including blood volume expanders and autologous donations. Blood volume expanders are types of artificial blood that increase the volume of blood in a person's system, whereas autologous donations are when patients have blood drawn to be stored at the hospital for later personal use.

    These treatments won't be used for the sextuplets, however, because their premature systems are too weak to handle the drugs.

    "(Blood expanders) are out of the question for premature infants," Smith said.

    Autologous donations are an unrealistic solution for the babies because they have a low red blood count. Furthermore, the Bible passage quoted by the Authorized Site of the Office of Public Information of Jehovah's Witnesses states that Jehovah's Witnesses must "abstain from... blood." No special exception is made for one's own blood.

    That leaves transfusions as the most viable, and probably safest way of ensuring the continuing health of these, and other premature infants.

    It is unacceptable to expect these six children to be denied potentially life-saving procedures because of a set of rules they literally do not have the mental capacity to understand, much less hold firm belief in.

    Parents who are found to be negligent run the risk of having their children taken away from them. It should not be possible for parents keeping their children from necessary medical treatment to keep their children.

    No one should deny the religious choice of the family in British Columbia, or cast doubt on the beliefs of the Jehovah's Witnesses in general. These six babies cannot express their own wishes. These six babies do not have their own wishes or beliefs. They don't have the mental awareness to understand the factors involved with the decision. These babies have a right to life using any procedure available, including transfusions.

  • sf

    Good article.

    The four girls and two boys won't get the transfusions however, because [OF]their parents

    This is how it SHOULD read.

    It is unacceptable to expect these six children to be denied potentially life-saving proceduresbecause of a set of rules theyliterallydo not have the mental capacity to understand, much less hold firm belief in.

    This is the crux. Adults signing death warrants. How many of the public are aware of these warrants? It would be interesting to survey. And to WITNESS their re-ACTIONS.

    These six babies cannot express their own wishes. These six babies do not have their own wishes or beliefs. They don't have the mental awareness to understand the factors involved with the decision. These babies have a right to life using any procedure available, including transfusions.

    I'm going to see if this [edited to correct reporter to person who wrote editorial] has read the 'Blood/Misrep-Tort essay'.


  • sf

    I made these comments in another thread and want them here as well:

    one of the reasons the nazis are still hated is that the people they tortured and murdered are still dead.

    Bada bing, bada boom! Wonder how many kids who needed blood whose parents were "following instructions from gods only mouthpiece here on earth" died due to CO/DO and PO making sure the parents actually DID follow these lethal instructions, based on twisted doctrine and misrepresented secular facts.

    Damn, I had no idea this thread grew nine pages.

    Fantastic comments and expressions. I'm in total agreement with Lisa, just 2sheep, johnny and a few others who actually do get "it".

    Too much death has occured and blood shed due to this organizations insane policies. STILL!! They are doing NOTHING to amend any of it.

    This D.O. did not leave. He was not dfed. He did not disassociate. He STILL believes in those policies that STILL keep killing its youngest members { members not by choice}.

    Until he actually speaks out on these bogus policies and issues, the lethal ones, he is STILL accountable for the blood on HIS hands.

    I first replied on this thread when Randy put it up that the man should go to the media with his story. I think he still should. And tell the world he is sorry for all the damage he has caused people under his "reign" and then expose the WTBTS for the fraud and death that it has caused for thousands of its members. Then to call on the WTBTS to abolish all policies that are inhumane and tear families apart.

    THEN we { I } can start the process of forgiveness. Even then though, I can't predict if that will make any difference, as so many lives and SPIRITS have already been irrepairably damaged. The process of forgiveness may even be damaged at that point.


  • thetrueone

    Hi folks, just to let you know, I live in the Vancouver area and I'm reading and listening to the information about the sextuplets, at least what there is of it. There certainly is a muzzling going on

    thats been issued toward the press. Absolutely no camera crews have been allowed to film anything, no personal interviews have taken place and when one baby died, the cause of death was

    not given. One can only wonder why the parents would want to close the curtain on the general public on this unusual of living miracles. It seems a bit selfish to me in my opinion and also very

    suspicious been that the parents are jw's. Where the parents advised by their elders to keep the press at arms length just incase there may be a blood issue ? Certainly if that was the case

    if the babies did start to drop like flies, this would stir up some incredibly bad press toward the organization and I mean big time ! Thankfully be the kindness of strangers donations have

    been streaming in and brought to the hospital inspite of the gag order, gee those worldly folks aren't so bad after all The B.C. goverment has in the past ruled with the medical department

    on issuing blood transfusions in life and death stituations so maybe they will again for the sake of those innocent children.

    It is estimated that one hundred jw's die every year around the globe for the simply reason of not taking an transfusion, an awful shame in a human sence.

    Does it not seem scripturally correct to heal somebody when they are sick, Jesus did it when he came upon a sick person.

    The bible says to respect life as if it was your own and Jesus's greatest commandment above all was to love one another !

    Walk in his foot steps if you are to please god and so on..........

    I hardly think by taking in blood from another person in an effort to heal them would be displeasing to god in a biblical sence, you can still respect the

    sacredness of blood in it's meaning and give blood to heal and at the same time keep true to biblical guidlines.

    The abstaining law was handed out to the people then at a time when the religios leaders thought the people were disrespecting the use of it.

    Perhaps they were drinking it, and there is writen history to support that. Perhaps they were dying their cloths with it or even painting with it,

    but given the human social mindset at that particular time of human history one can only imagine.

    The WTS will never change their policy on blood transfusions and I mean never. All jw's know by now that many of their chosen flock have perished due to not taking a transfusion.

    If this was to change abruptly the damaging effect would be too weakening to their power structure and they certaintly wouldn't take a chance at that.

    Anyways I'll post some more info about those kids as soon as I recieve it and as the events transpire..........

    All the best to everyone and keep smiling

  • orbison11

    hi trueone

    just wondering, do you know the area of bc this family might be from?? which congegration?



  • thetrueone

    Hi again Orbinson, no I'm sorry I don't know which area of B.C there form due to the news band.........sorry

    I believe all remaining children are still in the hospital due to the premature nature of their birth.

    I would guess that some media might be there upon the release from the hospital, but that remains to be seen.

    Will just have to wait and see what happens..........

  • thetrueone

    sorry for the type-os I should proof read before I post ...............

  • blondie

    I'm wondering if some fellow JW is telling them that it is a blessing that they died after being born rather than dying before birth. The WTS teaches that babies that die before birth will not be resurrected.

  • thetrueone

    Thats a very good possibilty given the situation Blondie, but who really knows at this point ......

    The medical community has made great progress in keeping premature babies alive over the years.

    And the mother and babies are staying at probably the best children's hospital in the country so whats going on can only be speculation at this point ......

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