Tsunami Warning - Japan and Russia

by Uzzah 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Uzzah

    Earthquake Off Coast of Japan May Cause Tsunami, Center Says

    By Steven Bodzin

    Jan. 12 (Bloomberg) -- A powerful earthquake off the coast of Japan drew a tsunami warning across much of the Pacific.

    The Joint Tsunami Warning Center of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said there was a tsunami warning in effect for coastal areas of Russia, Japan and the Marcus Islands. The center said the quake had a magnitude of 8.4, while the U.S. Geological Survey measured it at 7.7.

    ``It is not known that a tsunami was generated,'' the Tsunami Warning Center said in a statement on the Web. It is monitoring sea level data to determine whether a tsunami was generated, it said.

    To contact the reporter on this story: Steven Bodzin in San Francisco at [email protected] .

    I just got paged about this warning being issued. Anyone closer to the area here anything about this yet?

  • orbison11

    hi just got this alertt from our local radio station

    BC'S tsunami warning system has been triggered by an earthquake off the coast of Japan.

    There is a watch to the north tip of Vancouver Island, and the north Coast of BC up to Alaska.

    Greater Vancouver and Victoria are not under watch.

    There is no confirmation a tsunami has been created.

    Breaking News first from CKNW News Talk 980
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    {CKNW Sent}

  • Uzzah

    A Tsunami Warning is in effect which includes the Alaska coastal areas from Dutch Harbor, Alaska to Attu, Alaska.

    A Tsunami Watch is in effect for the British Columbia and Alaska coastal areas from the north tip of Vancouver I., British Columbia to Dutch Harbor, Alaska.

    This message is advisory only for other areas of California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.

    A Tsunami Warning means that all coastal residents in the warning area who are near the beach or in low-lying regions should move immediately inland to higher ground and away from all harbors and inlets including those sheltered directly from the sea. Those feeling the earth shake, seeing unusual wave action, or the water level rising or receding may have only a few minutes before the tsunami arrival and should evacuate immediately. Homes and small buildings are not designed to withstand tsunami impacts. Do not stay in these structures.

    All residents within the warned area should be alert for instructions broadcast from their local civil authorities. This tsunami warning is based solely on earthquake information - the tsunami has not yet been confirmed.

    A Tsunami Watch means that all coastal residents in the watch area should prepare for possible evacuation. A tsunami watch is issued to areas which will not be impacted by the tsunami for at least three hours. Watch areas will either be upgraded to warning status or canceled.

    At 8:24 PM Pacific Standard Time on January 12, an earthquake with preliminary magnitude 8.2 occurred east of the Kuril Islands, Russia. This earthquake may have generated a tsunami. If a tsunami has been generated, the waves will first reach Shemya, Alaska at 9:35 PM AKST on January 12. Estimated tsunami arrival times and maps along with safety rules and other information can be found on the WCATWC web site.

    Tsunamis can be dangerous waves that are not survivable. Wave heights are amplified by irregular shoreline and are difficult to predict. Tsunamis often appear as a strong surge and may be preceded by a receding water level. Mariners in water deeper than 600 feet should not be affected by a tsunami. Wave heights will increase rapidly as water shallows. Tsunamis are a series of ocean waves which can be dangerous for several hours after the initial wave arrival. DO NOT return to evacuated areas until an all clear is given by local civil authorities.

  • orbison11

    ok, based on that info, what time do you think it will hit vancouver island, if it does


  • Uzzah

    Likely, IF there is a wave, it would be anytime between 1:00 am and 4:30 am (PST) depending on where one is in BC/Alaska. (i.e Prince Rupert is 3:30 estimated time of arrival).

    If it were strong enough to reach Newport Beach California it would hit there around 6:00 am.


  • onlycurious

    I live on the Long Beach Peninsula and we wake up when Japan has quakes. Haven't heard anything yet. Hope nothing comes of it. Don't like tsunami evacuations much. Kids get scared and it is snowing outside. burrrr

  • orbison11

    ok, then, what kind of 'wave' are we looking at? 20 feet high or so???


  • Uzzah

    Latest news. Warning has been cancelled

    No destructive tsunami threat exists for Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California. However, some areas may experience observable effects which could include strong currents in harbors and bays dangerous to those in or near the water. These effects are expected to begin at approximately 0440AM PST in the Pacific Northwest ranging to 0600AM PST in southern California and could continue for several hours after initial arrival. As local conditions can cause a wide variation in tsunami wave activity, the all clear determinations must be made by local authorities.

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