Where "The Emphatic Diaglott" contains The Name ?

by Ancientofdays 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Ancientofdays

    I'm aware from WTS literature that "The Emphatic Diaglott" contains Divine Name in 18 istance (Reasoning book page 156 italian version). Does anybody know if these 18 instances are only citation of hebrew verses ?

  • Narkissos

    Strange. Afaik The Emphatic Diaglott is an interlinear (word-to-word) translation of the Vaticanus ms. According to the following searchable text, http://www.heraldmag.org/olb/bsl/Library/BIBLES/Diagltt/Diaglott.pdf, "Jehovah" occurs once in the preface ("To the Reader"). Perhaps they mean footnotes which are not in this online edition?

    Could you provide the Italian quote? I checked the French edition and there is nothing of this kind under the entry "Jéhovah".

    Edit: I found the English version:

    p. 193:


    EmphaticDiaglott, Benjamin Wilson: The name Jehovah is found at Matthew 21:9 and in 17 other places in this translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures.

    p. 278:



    It should be noted that the NewWorldTranslation is not the only Bible that does this. The divine name appears in translations of the Christian Greek Scriptures into Hebrew, in passages where quotations are made directly from the inspired Hebrew Scriptures. TheEmphaticDiaglott (1864) contains the name Jehovah 18 times. Versions of the Christian Greek Scriptures in at least 38 other languages also use a vernacular form of the divine name.

    Edit 2: surprise, surprise:

    I found the scans: it is in the (not word-to-word) translation in the margin. Check 21:9 on http://www.heraldmag.org/literature/diaglott/2_matthew.pdf

  • Ancientofdays

    Hi Narkissos, thanks for the link . I've quickly look at Matthew 21:9 and I see "Lord" I'm maybe missing something .. I'll look into the .pdf better

  • Narkissos


    In case you missed my second edit: you will find it on the last link.

  • Ancientofdays

    I see the second link , many thanks. What's interesting for me to check is where other Name inserted in the "TED". The point is that looking at the following (sorry I cannot quote as it's in italian, so I give you just the reference) *** it-1 p. 1028 Geova *** , the expression is ambiguos and may be interpreted like : "TED" contains "Jeohva" in 18 instance NOT ONLY Hebrew citation. Can you see what I mean ?

  • Narkissos

    Seems like the it reference translates the following (Insight, "Jehovah"):

    Recognizing that this must have been the case, some translators have included the name Jehovah in their renderings of the Christian Greek Scriptures. TheEmphaticDiaglott, a 19th-century translation by Benjamin Wilson, contains the name Jehovah a number of times, particularly where the Christian writers quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures.

    Too bad the marginal translation is not searchable on this .pdf. And the Appendix doesn't help. (Nothing under "Jehovah," only generalities under "Lord")

    But a few random searches are instructive, if only negatively: of course "Jehovah" is not used for the plain Christological uses of kurios in quotations in Romans 10:13; 14:8 (contrary to the NWT). The other (Christological only from a broader context) quotation of Joel in Acts 2:21 doesn't use it either.

    Even in Luke 4:18f where Jesus reads the scroll of Isaiah the ED doesn't use "Jehovah"...

  • JWdaughter

    When the word "Jehovah" is added because the translator thought it appropriate, even though it was NOT in the original manuscript, it isn't any more credible than the WT inserting it. TED does indeed have it in the translated portion, but the Greek remains as Lord. In addition, my copy of TED was published by the WT folks in 1942.

  • Narkissos

    I just found out (duh) that the ED is listed as J21 in the NWT references. That seems to make the list:

    Matthew 21:9,42; 22:37,44; 23:39
    Mark 11:9; 12:11,29f,36
    Luke 10:27; 13:35; 19:38; 20:37*,42
    John 12:13
    Acts 2:34

    Strange indeed.

    * Apparently this is the only occurrence which is not strictly part of a quotation.

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