The Key Point: What MUST They Do?

by metatron 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    To me, in this post- Fred Franz era, the Watchtower Society can be understood in terms of dire necessity. They have grown so old

    and so globally overstretched and so conservative that they vigorously resist changing anything, no matter how stupid or absurd.

    Doctrine doesn't matter, the publishers don't matter ( except as willing thralls) and their public image doesn't matter.

    In regard to change then, all that remains is dire necessity - and nothing else.

    The key to the whole cult's future lies in figuring out what circumstances they cannot avoid and so must adapt to.

    I can see three necessities:

    Cash flow - yes, they've got lots of assets - but that isn't cash flow. Many of their assets eat up cash - as in heating or maintaining

    buildings. Witnesses would never think of openly rebelling - but may prefer the passive agressive act of closing their wallets.

    Every year seems to bring more cuts - literature, magazines, food, subscriptions, and redundant Bethelites.

    Ah, but you can't have a preaching work without funding can you?

    Liability - US courts are extending case law to include the liability of volunteers - and that must send some chills up some

    "Theocratic" spines. A church can be sued based on what volunteers have done. Add the blood issue - and throw in some stupid

    comments about how non blood surgery is "way superior" and you may have quite a disaster brewing. I continue to think that

    this was partly why they downsized Bethel and dumped "Bethel elders". Sir, my attorneys tell me that this Bethel elder said

    the following.......... and, of course, his comments represent you.

    Collective Arrogance - Apologize? Who, us? What do think this is, the Catholic Church? We're Jehovah's only channel on earth!

    Making a habit of never admitting that you're wrong creates a necessity. Somehow, they always 'must be right'!

    It's going to be interesting to watch. Declaring the preaching work "fufilled" would be a way out comparable to the Soviet Union

    leaving Eastern Europe ( and they ran out of money, too!). Still, that seems too radical --------- yet.

    When I was at Bethel, some brothers would offer comments that were calculated and insincere - to trigger a reaction they wanted.

    I am certain that the Society does worry about prominent brothers making off hand remarks from the platform or other public venues.

    It can get them in legal ( and other) trouble. Who knows what someone might "set off"?

    You never know


  • Outaservice

    Everything has a 'life cycle' and their's is running out. God and history just outlasts them in my opinion, some faster than others.

    Goodby Watchtower, it's been a real trip................


  • zack

    Thanks for your posts, Metraton.

    I agree with you on all your points. I think your point about arrogance underlies the others and is indeed the root

    of all problems they have caused. I'll give you an example:

    The WTS says that no privileges can be extended to a brother who wears a beard. They know they cannot support

    this scripturally. But because they can never be wrong (your point) they can NEVER admit that this is a rule they

    have and God's congregation cannot have man made rules. So they INVENT biblical reasonings for their stance on this. I mention

    this point because it is just a little thing (facial hair) and yet they turn it into some kind of sacred pronouncement from God.

    If they were not so arrogant they would just say: "Look, its a rule of ours. It's our preference. Right or wrong we feel it's

    our perogative." But they can't bring themselves to ever admit that they have rules because that would be admitting that THEY

    are just like the churches they condemn WHO HAVE THEIR OWN RULES!.. And the r & f see through this. While they are

    willing to accept these little things, they now see how it is the BIG things (Blood Issue) as well which have NO BASIS in Scripture and instead depend

    upon the same non-sensensical, unsupported arguments and it is bringing about

    the other consequences: loss of membership, diluted brainpower, growth in poorer less educated countries where the needs

    are staggering, the withholding of the purse,. And they(r&f) are beginning to see that shunning is the tool of the tyrant, for

    only tyrants need to silence dissent. You silence who you fear. And that creates a loss of trust.

    How many members actually TRUST each other? And you can't love whom you can't trust. By their fruits you will know them?

    You are spot on and I always look forward to hearing more.



  • metatron

    We keep hearing about some "big" change coming but nothing emerges. You have to wonder if some quiet factions

    are developing between the old guard - who have viewed the lack of money as a sign from God - and who may really

    believe that it shows that the preaching work is ending and Armageddon imminent - vs a more cynical business opinion

    that they should charge for the literature and run the organization as a business, period. They could be agonizing over

    making a radical change one way or the other.


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