Stories of JWs Suicides

by new boy 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • new boy
    new boy

    Not wanting to highjack HOPING4CHANGE thread..........It might be a good thing to share some of these sad stories in more detail.

    I know of 4..............2 at Bethel!

    1 Richard Wheelock Pressroom overseer for over 40 years.............It was after his death (jumping out a window at the farm) that the society soften their stand on suicides............They NOW MIGHT have a resurrection hope.......That was kind of God to change his/her mind....Yes the light gets BRIGHTER!

    2. James Olson jumped out of the factory building # 4 Oct. 31 1973.............They wouldn't let him leave. You can get the full story on my post history..........I help kill him.

    3. My father inlaw Robert Stillman blew his brains out in 1991. One of the many reasons was he was not allowed to see or talk to HIS children or Grand children.............and why? He was DFed in 1958.

    4. My mother in a way............She stop taking her heart medication......and died shortly after that.......It was her way of checking out of a miserable life.

  • Satanus

    That must take it's toll. I think it's useful to put this info here.


  • J-ex-W

    ((((((((((((((((new boy))))))))))))))))) Thanks for sharing.

  • candidlynuts

    i know of one elder who really thought the end would come before the end of the century

    he got himself in a financial mess he couldnt get out of so he killed himself when the end didnt come and left the mess for his wife and kids to clean up.

  • sammielee24

    In some way I feel that by posting the names of all those JW's who committed suicide, we validate their existence. Too often those who have taken their lives, end up being nothing more than fodder for gossip or ashes for judgement, whispered and conjectured about. They were people who lived.. my heart goes out to all of you who have suffered for those losses. sammieswife.

  • Rebirth

    ITA on the validation. I've said it before, but if anyone ever decides to set up a memorial webpage for all of the names of those lost, I would donate for those I've lost.

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