Looking to Lose Weight in 2007?

by onlycurious 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • onlycurious

    Many of us make this a priority after the holiday's to take off a few extra pounds.

    I had a baby in August of 2005 and have a handful (or more) of extra around the mid-section and vowed LAST New Year's that I was going to get fit and take off the poundage.

    Well, here it is January of 2007 and I think I weigh a bit more than I did last year. Geez, age + baby + sugar addictions = a big problem (lol)

    So, I found a new 'way of eating' that blows my mind. It's all about food combination and I can eat gourmet, richly delicious foods and I don't deprive and starve my body.

    AND, I can eat fruit and healthly carbs.

    Seriously, I am sharing this with anyone out there that really wants to improve their health and doesn't have 15 billion extra hours to work out. Or maybe you don't even LIKE to work out. I personally hate to sweat and this 'eat whatever I want' mode isn't working for me now that I pumped out 4 kids and hit 30 yrs old. Ugh.

    So, are you ready? It's called Somersizing and it works. It's a LIFE change, not a diet. I've lost 8 lbs in 2 weeks. One of my friends lost 60 lbs since May and my other friend lost over 70 lbs in 6 months and he's keeping it off.

    Check it out. You can look up the Somersizing literature online or just pm me and I can share more details.

  • SusanHere

    I can second that recommendation. Somersizing works! It's not difficult and you'll feel better after you eat -- no bloating, no more gas, better sleep, and more energy.

    No fad, no pills, no hype. Just common sense food combining that other people have used for generations.

    Best of all -- It's free and it's easy.


  • onlycurious

    I won't mention the name of the product but a friend of mine signed up to be a direct sales distributor for a company that has a great product that is working well for her figure.

    Many people purchase this and have great results. I bought $130.00 plus in product to help support her in her business adventure.

    The bad thing was, once I started taking it I realized it was just a glorified diet pill regimine. That's a nightmare waiting to happen! It had caffeine in it and suppressed the appetite. I should have done more research and bought myself a new outfit with that money. lol

    You are right...I have to buy food anyway. Somersizing is a no-brainer to me and I personally love to eat so this works for me. No more rabbit food.

  • Mulan

    I bought two of her books a few years ago and I like the idea of it, but the no coffee turned me off. I guess I'd rather be fat than give up my coffee.

  • onlycurious

    I would imagine the 'no coffee' thing might be tough for some. For me...it's chocolate and the occasional beer craving.

    But, there is hope! Once you see the amazing results, the coffee might not be as important. Plus, you would be surprised how much more energy you will have after you get through the 1st week of torture. lol

  • Snoozy

    Has anyone here tried the Special K diet?

    I know one person that did and she lost at least 20 pounds in a few months.

    You have Special K (cereal or bar) for two of your meals and the third meal is a regular meal..

    Snoozy..who could stand to lose a "few" pounds...


    Edited to add..I heard it wasn't wise to lose more than 2 or 3 pounds a week...it's supposed to be easier to keep off if you go slow..and better for you

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