Would you risk your life?

by pratt1 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • pratt1

    InNYC yesterday a man saved a strangers lfe by jumping on the train tracks and rolling both himself and the injured man under a small crawl space in the tracks. Fortunately both escaped harm but at least 2 train cars had rolled over them.

    The man had fell on to the tracks after suffering a seizure.

    What a heroic act of kindness.

    Would you have risked your life to save a stranger?

    Is your answer the same answer you would have given if you were still in the borg?

    If you want more details about this story, you can access it on the websites of the New York Daily news or the New york Post.

    Sorry I don'tr know how to attach a link.

  • Morocco

    absolutely i would, in or outside any mind controlling organization

  • Ingenuous

    If I'd been by myself, no question - yes. But, honestly, if I'd been this man, I would have thought twice unless I knew about that crawlspace ahead of time.

    He had his 4- and 6-year-old daughters with him. A rescue attempt gone wrong would have left them with one less parent and horrible memories of their parent's death. They might have admired his efforts later in life, but I wonder if, given the way children's minds sometimes work, they would have thought their father cared more about a stranger than about leaving them alone. I could also imagine a terrified child crawling onto the tracks trying to follow her father.

    As it stands, the girls have a hero to look up to and it was a great outcome for everyone.

  • MadTiger

    In high school, without a hesitation, I ran to place

    myself between a little girl and a dog running loose

    that charged toward her. Anyway, it turns out, the

    dog was an old cur who was just being an asshole, but I

    didn't know it at the time. I was happy with my conduct.

  • searching4truth

    I would have in or out.

  • Sam87

    yes i would, in or out.

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